
Win the White House

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Here is a unique and engaging approach to learning about the steps a presidential candidate must take during a campaign. Learners role play the part of a candidate in this online interactive, taking part in a presidential debate and then...

Campaign Cash: Money Talks!

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Money talks! And it can reveal a lot about political candidates. An 11-slide presentation examines how candidates raise and spend money on an election. The slides, using data from the 2016 Presidential election, reveal how much it costs...
Constitutional Rights Foundation

Elections, Money, and the First Amendment

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Those who spend the most, win.  Academics read informational text, participate in group discussion, and defend campaign reforms to understand the correlation between money, the First Amendment, and election results. The resource explains...

Win the White House

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
What does it take to win the White House? A video game allows young political operatives to try their hand at winning 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue by deciding on key issues, where and how to spend campaign dollars, and the role of polling...
Curated OER

The Campaign Process

For Students 5th - 6th
In this sequencing the campaign process worksheet, students arrange the steps of political campaigning in the correct order and write details explaining how to do each step. Students rearrange and write seven short answers.
Lesson Plan
Carolina K-12

Propaganda, Spin and Soundbite Politics

For Students 8th - 12th
It's all about the spin! In an introduction to propaganda techniques and soundbite politics, scholars first learn about common propaganda techniques before seeing them in action in the context of the 2016 election cycle. Activities...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Persuasion and Political Debate by PBS

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Students examine rhetorical strategies. In this political debate instructional activity, students research issues of presidential campaigns and deliver persuasive speeches about the issues they research. Students then participate in...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Capitol Gains

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Students use a variety of Web sites to obtain specific information about the campaign finances of different Presidential hopefuls. They create graphs that illustrate all of the aspects of campaign finances researched,
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Comparing Canadian and U.S. Political Systems and Political Campaigns

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Students interpret historical evidence presented in primary and secondary resources. In this political systems lesson, students conduct research to compare and contrast the forms of government in the United States and...
Curated OER

Breaking News English: Anti-McDonald's McDavids Beat Goliath

For Students 5th - 10th
In this English activity, students read "Anti-McDonald's McDavids Beat Goliath," and then respond to 8 multiple choice, 27 fill in the blank, 7 short answer, 20 matching, and 8 true or false questions about the selection.