Lesson Plan7:31
Curated OER

Inside OKCupid: The Math of Online Dating

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Capture the hearts of your young statisticians with this real-life example of using statistics in online dating. The use of average and geometric mean are discussed in the context of creating the algorithm used to connect people.
Lesson Plan3:42

How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Entertain and grab your learners' attention with a short video clip that engagingly teaches the concept of a permutation and how a factorial is a wonderful shortcut for theoretical probability calculations.
Lesson Plan4:49

How to Choose Your News

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How do you get the truth unfiltered by middlemen? Tune into various sources and note the differences is the suggestion in a short video that begins by providing examples of how media gatekeepers have manipulated information and how those...
Lesson Plan5:14

How to Speak Monkey: The Language of Cotton-Top Tamarins

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Tamarin monkey language can be categorized by stem upsweep, duration, peak frequency, and frequency change. Although other complex terminology is used to describe the 38 calls of this species, the video is easy to follow and a...
Lesson Plan4:51

The Colossal Consequences of Supervolcanoes

For Teachers 8th - 11th
The threat posed by super volcanoes is explored in a short video that reviews the destruction caused by Mount Tambora in 1815 and by Peru's Huaynaputina in 1600. Think it can't happen again? The narrator contends that the explosive...
Lesson Plan4:08

Tycho Brahe, the Scandalous Astronomer

For Teachers 8th - 11th
Who says scientists are boring geeks? Certainly not the narrator of a short video who dishes up the scandals associated with Tycho Brahe, a Danish scientist and alchemist (now that's two labels you don't often see together) who used...
Lesson Plan9:04

A Digital Reimagining of Gettysburg

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Why would Robert E. Lee order Pickett's Charge, an action that changed the course of the Civil War? Geographer and historian Anne Knowles uses digital technology to explain what she thinks is the missing piece in trying to understand...
Lesson Plan3:27

The Fundamentals of Space-Time: Part 3

For Teachers 9th - 12th
If you weren't already blown away by first two installments, check out this clip on how gravity and space-time interact! Our physicist friends, Pontzen and Whyntie, continue their discussion of these motion concepts for your high...
Lesson Plan4:04

Sugar: Hiding in Plain Sight

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Did you know that you can find added sugars in three-quarters of the foods you find in grocery stores? Invite your learners to consider how much sugar exists in the food products we eat on a day-to-day basis, as well as to learn about...
Lesson Plan14:52
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The Making of the Fittest: Got Lactase? The Co-evolution of Genes and Culture

For Teachers 8th - Higher Ed Standards
Got milk? Only two cultures have had it long enough to develop the tolerance of lactose as an adult. Learn how the responsible genes evolved along with the cultures that have been consuming milk. This rich film is supplied with a few...
Instructional Video17:07
Flipped Math

More Probability

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Multiply the amount of probability using addition. Pupils use probabilities to make predictions in problems. They find shortcuts to find probabilities instead of listing the entire sample space. The learners then use the multiplication...
Instructional Video17:26
Flipped Math

Introduction to Probability

For Students 9th - 12th
Chances are high that the class will probably like the lesson. Pupils view an introduction to probability and use the information to find probabilities of simple events based on the sample space. Scholars then use their knowledge of area...
Instructional Video13:36
Flipped Math

Unit 11 Review: Circles

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Solve problems around a circle. Pupils watch a video that shows how to apply concepts about circles and related angles and segments to find solutions to word problems. Learners then review the different concepts from the unit in...
Instructional Video16:21
Flipped Math

Secants and Tangents

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Put the vertex in, put the vertex out. Pupils explore theorems about the relationships of lengths of segments and angles of line segments that intersect inside or outside the circle. Learners use the theorems to solve problems involving...
Instructional Video19:21
Flipped Math

Intercepted Arcs

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Intercept the class's learning on circles. Pupils learn the relationship between intercepted arcs and inscribed angles. The scholars use that information to find the relationship of angles in an inscribed quadrilateral and an angle...
Instructional Video19:13
Flipped Math

Chords and Arcs

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Congruence breeds congruence. Pupils learn three more circle theorems dealing with congruent chords and arcs. Learners use the theorems to find the measures of chords and arcs in circles by applying previously learned concepts in the...
Instructional Video14:27
Flipped Math

Tangents to Circles

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Touch a circle once. Individuals watch a video and learn two theorems related to tangents and circles. The pupils then apply the theorems to find missing angle measures and lengths in figures. At the end, they practice their skills on...
Instructional Video16:02
Flipped Math

Unit 9 Review: Area of Polygons

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
It's time to show what you know! Individuals first review finding the area of polygons using the formulas from parallelograms to regular polygons. They then brush up on finding the area and circumference of circles, as well as reviewing...
Instructional Video15:48
Flipped Math

Sectors and Segments

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
It's a piece of pizza! Pupils learn about a sector of a circle as a slice of the circle and determine how to find its area. Scholars continue to find out how to calculate the segment of a circle based on the sector's area. At the end,...
Instructional Video21:05
Flipped Math

Circles and Arc Lengths

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Discuss all things round and round. Pupils review finding area and the circumference of circles and use them to solve problems. Next, they learn about central angles and their relationships to measures of arcs. Learners then find out how...
Instructional Video18:24
Flipped Math

Area of Trapezoids, Kites, and Rhombi

For Students 9th - 12th
Everything will add up. Learners find the areas of trapezoids, kites, and rhombi by using the area formulas. Scholars find any missing information needed to use within the formula and continue to use prior knowledge and practice...
Instructional Video16:10
Flipped Math

Parallelograms and Triangles

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Expand area problems to incorporate prior knowledge. Pupils begin by reviewing the formulas for finding the area of parallelograms and triangles. The scholars apply previous learning of trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to...
Instructional Video19:32
Flipped Math


For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Turn the class around. Scholars define rotations of multiples of 90 degrees and create algebraic mappings for them. After an introduction to symmetry, pupils determine which letters of the alphabet have rotational and reflectional...
Instructional Video16:47
Flipped Math


For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Transformations come in many forms. To start the informative resource, pupils first review the different types of transformations. Scholars work in more detail with translations by drawing the transformations and writing the algebraic...