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Lesson Planet
This The World Is 0.28% More Peaceful Than a Year Ago writing also includes:
- Activity
- Informational Text
- Answer Key
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Some days, the world seems like it is becoming darker, but research suggests that the world might actually be becoming a more peaceful place. An informational reading passage accompanied by a series of activities builds English language skills while teaching about world peace. Activities range from reading comprehension questions to role-play scenarios.
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Instructional Ideas
- Challenge scholars to write an article with a similar style to the piece about world peace
- Hold a classroom debate and assign a particular viewpoint to each participant
Classroom Considerations
- Print worksheets in advance so learners can reference text while answering questions
- Uses multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and matching activities for a well-rounded resource
- Provides a relevant topic to help get readers talking
- Includes answer key directly on handout, making it difficult to print and give to students
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