Instructional Video

The American Museum of Natural History: A Virtual Field Trip with Brian Selznick

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Author Brian Selznick takes scholars on a virtual field trip to New York City's American Museum of Natural History. Three stops to the Hall of North American Mammals, Mosquito Model, and Hall of Meteorites showcase prominent dioramas and interviews with museum experts. 

146 Views 117 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • After viewers visit each model, direct them to write several facts they heard along with any questions they have 
  • Gather a collection of books by Brian Selznick and allow pupils to browse the work and check out titles they find interesting
  • Send the link home with class members so they can visit the museum with their family
Classroom Considerations
  • Encourage participants to use headphones when they watch the video independently
  • A digital learning device with Internet access is required 
  • Facts pop up with a bell signal 
  • A virtual field trip allows learners to visit places that may not be locally accessible 
  • The host promotes his own work 
  • The video moves on the slower side