Lesson Plan

Sums and Differences of Decimals

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Sometimes dealing with decimals is so much easier than dealing with fractions. The ninth lesson plan in a 21-part module has the class consider situations when it might be easier to add or subtract fractions by first converting to decimals. The class estimates sums and differences of fractions and then calculates them exactly using decimals.

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CCSS: Designed
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have individuals create a chart classifying situations when it is easier to deal with decimals than fractions
Classroom Considerations
  • Assumes scholars can efficiently add and subtract decimals
  • Pupils should already know how to round decimals and estimate with decimals
  • Lesson guide indicates where to look for mathematical practices
  • Provides answer keys for all portions of the lesson
  • None
Common Core