Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Road Blocks to Mental Health lesson plan also includes:
- Road Blocks to Mental Health (.html)
- Road Blocks to Mental Health (.pptx)
- KWHL Chart (.pdf)
- Mental Health Wellness Presentation (.pdf)
- Mental Health Wellness Toolbox (.pdf)
- Rubric for Multimedia Presentation (.pdf)
- Rubric for Presentation (.pdf)
- SIRDC Door Hanger Pass Template (.pdf)
- Slide Show Presentation Notes (.pdf)
- Topics for Mental Health Wellness Presentation (.pdf)
- Vocabulary
- Join to access all included materials
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fewer than half of adults seek treatment for mental health disorders. Those interested in careers in mental health investigate why this is so by looking at the stigma associated with mental disorders and the roadblocks that hinder people from getting mental health care. Pairs research a mental disorder, its causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments. They then prepare a presentation of their findings for the whole class.
Instructional Ideas
- Post the vocabulary on the classroom word wall
- Set aside extra prep time to make copies, and collect and prepare the videos and materials, many of which are not found in classrooms (a roadblock borrowed from the police department, for example)
- Laminate the Topics for Mental Health Wellness Presentation cards to permit reuse
Classroom Considerations
- Observe participants, and be prepared to offer assistance to those who seem distressed
- Includes modification and accommodations
- Provides a rubric for the presentations
- None
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