Instructional Video

Reducing Acid Rain or its Effect

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

How do we stop acid rain from forming or repair the damages it causes? The seventh and final video in the series presents learners with common methods of reducing the harmful effects of acid rain. Topics such as the scrubbers used by energy producers to catalytic converters on automobiles provide amateur environmentalists with plenty of fuel for discussions, experiments, and projects.

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Instructional Ideas
  • The video contains several easy-to-prepare demonstrations that would enhance the message for pupils with less experience with acid-base chemistry
  • Use the questions posed by the narrator to check for understanding during viewing
Classroom Considerations
  • Some prior knowledge of acid-base chemistry, air pollution, and neutralization reactions would be helpful for getting the most out of the resource
  • Highlights real-world environmental remediation through acid-base chemistry by showing Sweden's use of limestone to balance the pH in its lakes and rivers
  • In addition to narration, the video shows the chemical processes involved in neutralization through balanced equations — a great thing for students to see
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