Instructional Video

Paul Bunyan, an American Folk Tale

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Paul Bunyan was a big guy—but not as big as his story has grown to be! Young readers listen and read along to the enjoyable story of Paul Bunyan, his big blue ox Babe, and the amazing imprint they left along the American landscape.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Play the audio for the class during a unit on American folk tales, and project the words for reference
  • Have learners summarize the story of Paul Bunyan after listening
Classroom Considerations
  • Story begins at 2:00 after an introduction to the concept of tall tales
  • Designed for English learners but adaptable for all students
  • Describes the characters' weights in kilograms; consider including unit conversions for context
  • Provides a link to additional materials at the end of the video
  • Slides include captions for the story
  • None