Lesson Plan

Introduce Vocabulary: Mama, Do You Love Me? (Joosse)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Introduce Vocabulary: Mama, Do You Love Me? (Joosse) lesson plan also includes:

Barbara Joosse approaches an age-old question through an equally traditional culture in her story Mama, Do You Love Me?, which helps budding readers explore Native American vocabulary in context. Here you'll find instruction to teach the following in-text words: mukluk, parka, puffin, and umiak. Prior to reading aloud, discuss these terms and help kids utilize context clues by asking them to indicate when they hear one. They make connections to everyday concepts through the customized comprehension questions for each term, and visual learners may benefit from the graphic organizers linked here.

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Resource Details
K - 3rd
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
30 mins
Instructional Strategies
Choral Response
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