Lesson Plan

How Do You Feel About Wind Energy?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This How Do You Feel About Wind Energy? lesson plan also includes:

Tell me what you really think. The class reviews articles related to wind energy to see how the author uses words, phrases, and images to sway the reader. Through a class discussion, individuals share their feelings from the media information. Young scientists then write their own persuasive essays on the topic. This is lesson 16 of a 19-part series.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Provide the class with local articles related to wind energy
  • Conduct a debate over the pros and cons of wind energy
Classroom Considerations
  • There is not a direct science standard connection
  • Answer sheets provide possible answers
  • The lesson gets pupils to synthesize the information that has been learned about wind energy
  • Website with additional materials is not active