Instructional Video

GPS, Relativity, and Nuclear Detection

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

When will we need to know Einstein's Theory of Relativity in real life? Every single time you use a cell phone, GPS, or watch satellite TV. When a satellite is sent into space without accounting for relativity, problems immediately arise with both GPS and nuclear detection, and the video explains why this occurs.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Like the idea of time changing to the twin astronaut study where one stayed on earth while the other was on the ISS
  • Discuss the fact that Australia is moving fast enough—it has to change the longitude and latitude coordinates every few years in order to stay accurate
Classroom Considerations
  • Video uses the word triangulate rather than the correct word, trilaterate; the video does have the correction written in a pop-up, but many students might miss the difference
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • ELLs benefit from closed captioning in 10 languages
  • Engaging and short to maintain viewers' attention
  • None
Common Core