Instructional Video

Episode 1.6: Test and Retest

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Episode 1.6: Test and Retest instructional video also includes:

When it rains, it pours! Episode six in a seven-part Global Problem Solvers series explores the challenges brought upon the team as Malawi enters its rainy season. Two problem solvers visit a local institute to get assistance in upgrading Malawi's wells.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have small groups discuss why all of the different tests on the sensor were necessary after the video is over
  • Pass out small poster boards and ask individuals to make signs to help the team gather public opinion about the well sensors
Classroom Considerations
  • Make sure learners understand why the rainy season introduces additional problems with implementing the new technology
  • The team reaches out when they need help, showing viewers that it's okay to do the same
  • Cool technology is sure to keep younger learners engaged
  • None