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This comprehensive survey of the women's movement during the 1960s and 1970s documents women and politics, women's wages, legal discrimination against women, stereotypes of women, women's rights legislation, and women's rights organizations.
Additional Tags
abortion rights, cultural stereotypes of women, discriminate against women, equal educational, equal employment opportunity commission, equal opportunity, equal opportunity in employment, equal pay, equal pay act, equal pay for men and women, equal rights amendment, era, federal law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender, female equality, feminist, feminist movement, gender discrimination, housing opportunities, job discrimination, job training, legal discrimination against women, married women's right to enter into business, married women's right to make contracts, married women's right to own property, movement for women's liberation, pay discrimination, pay equity, pay scales for men and women, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, prohibiting sex discrimination, rebirth of feminism, reform of abortion laws, repeal of laws limiting access to contraceptive devices and abortion, sex discrimination, sexual discrimination, sexual equality, social changes, stereotypes of women, women and economics, women in politics, women in the workforce, women in the workplace, women voters, women's equality, women's liberation, women's liberation movement, women's political roles, women's rights reforms, women's wages, betty friedan, civil rights act of 1964, digital history, eeoc, executive order 11375, now, national organization for women, president kennedy, president kennedy and women's rights, president's commission on the status of women, seneca falls women's rights convention, the feminine mystique, title vii, title vii of the 1964 civil rights act, u.s. legislation for women's rights, women's bureau, women's bureau of the labor department, feminism in the us, women's movement, women's movement in the us
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information
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