
Bringing a Pop-up Book to Life

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Bringing a Pop-up Book to Life activity also includes:

Breath life into the pages of a text with this instructional video on creating pop-up books. From choosing a topic, through the planning and creation phases, this video examines how to develop engaging visual presentations that reach out and grab the attention of viewers.

101 Views 71 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • View this video with your class as an introduction to a project in any subject area in which students make pop-up books to explain a topic
  • Use this video to help you create pop-up books to supplement instruction on different topics
  • Watch this video to introduce an art or flilm class to stop-motion animation
  • Provides clear explanations with supporting visuals for how to assemble pop-up books
  • TED-Ed offers teachers the option of creating customized lessons based on this video
  • None