Instructional Video

Arlington Springs Man

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Pigmy mammoths on the Channel Islands? Indeed. West of the West's Arlington Springs Man documents the history of the archeological digs on Santa Rosa Island and the discovery of human and mammoth bones that challenge the once popular theories of human migration to the Americas.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Begin the series by showing the West of the West's Tales from California's Channel Islands, a teaser that provides an overview of all the Channel Island documentaries
  • Post a map of the California coast that includes the Channel Islands
Classroom Considerations
  • Use the video as part of a study of California history, of the history of the Channel Islands, or of archeology and geology
  • The documentary serves as the core text for a series of lesson plans designed for various grade levels
  • The documentary includes interviews with researchers, as well as vintage film footage and photographs
  • None