A colorful calendar template allows learners to add dates and notes about upcoming events.
Body Language
When it comes to learning a language and literacy, understanding nonverbal communication is often as important as verbal communication. An interactive body language activity incorporates role play to demonstrate the difference between...
Everyone knows k is for kite and u is for umbrella, but a set of flash cards make the kite kicky and the umbrella unique! Review the alphabet with a variety of alliterative animals and objects for every letter.
Numbers 10 - 100
How do you write out the number 20? What about 100? Practice writing out the numbers by 10 with a handy worksheet.
Weather and Present Continuous Tense
What's the weather like right now? Is it raining or is it snowing? Using present continuous tense, learners practice describing the weather with weather vocabulary words.
Alphabet Flashcards
Reviewing ABCs can be as easy as apple, ball, and chair! Emerging readers practice their alphabet with a set of colorful flash cards.
Word Family
What do a man, a can, and a fan have in common? They are all in the same word family! Young readers practice adding the first letter or letters to each word within a particular word family.
How do you say hello? In a set of nine greetings practice worksheets, English learners practice saying and writing various phrases in English. Lastly, partners engage in a speaking activity that allows them to practice saying and...
Writing the Alphabet
Straighten out those A's and Z's with a helpful, versatile handwriting worksheet. Whether your class is learning to write the English alphabet for the first time or could use some review on proper handwriting, the worksheet is a great...
Proper + Capitalization
Using capital letters in English can seem arbitrary if you don't know the capitalization rules. Guide English learners through the concept of common nouns and proper nouns using the English alphabet with a helpful practice packet.
New Year’s Resolution
Begin the new year with a two-part activity that asks class members to formulate a resolution and to write about someone or something they are proud of. These statements are then attached to a snowflake and a mandala which they decorate.
What Is in a Sentence, Paragraph, and Story?
Language arts is made up of many parts. Learners review the parts of a sentence, as well as how to make a simple sentence into a complex sentence, before examining full paragraphs and identifying the topic, body, and concluding sentence...
Telling Time
It's grammar time! Class members practice telling time in English with a series of clock illustrations. They then use the prompts to discuss the time of day, including English colloquialisms, with partners or group members.
Days of the Week
What do you usually do on Saturdays? What will you do on Thursday? Class members practice the simple future tense and the days of the week with a series of activities and questions. They then share their answers with a partner.
Introduction Questions
What country are you from? What is your favorite food to cook? What is your favorite sport to watch? Pupils practice English and learn more about their classmates with a set of conversational questions.
Getting to Know Each Other
How do you do? Guide learners through the basics of conversational English with an extensive set of discussion questions. Class members ask partners more about themselves, including their favorite hobbies, music, and time of day, as well...
Shopping for Clothing
Let's go shopping! A series of activities focus on vocabulary words related to articles of clothing and shopping for clothes. Additionally, learners complete sentences using how much and how many.
Writing Prompt: Write About a Photo
Practice descriptive writing with a prompt that includes a photograph. Writers craft the whole story of the single second caught in a photo using the provided questions to prompt their imaginations.
Hi! How are you? Join the conversation with a straightforward exercise on English greetings. After translating common greetings into their first languages, class members practice greeting each other and note the appropriate responses.
Family Titles, Pronouns, Writing about a Person
How is your grandmother related to you? How is your cousin related to your grandmother? Learn about family relationships and pronouns with an activity that guides pupils to write two short narratives about members of their families.
Brush up on those dictionary skills with a simple worksheet that has pupils looking up words in a dictionary, writing the definition, and using the words in a sentence.
Writing the Date
Month, day, year; day, month, year. How many ways can you write the date? Have class members practice writing the dates of the year in three different ways.
Verbs: Regular, Irregular, Simple Past Tense
Adding -ed to the ends of most verbs can change a sentence to the past tense—but what about verbs like think or draw? Provide class members with practice activities that focus on both regular and irregular verbs in the simple past...
Learn the Alphabet
Carefully trace each letter of the alphabet in upper- and lowercase. Using traceable letters, young writers practice their handwriting skills.