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Curated OER
We're All Different!
Use this presentation to discuss diversity and self esteem issues. Learners talk about what makes them special, why someone might bully others, and the different types of talents people possess. This is a simple, but effective way to...
Curated OER
School News
Compile a school newsletter with your budding journalists! Use the school calendar to assign each learner a specific even to cover! Possible events include the science fair, sports games, concerts, talent shows, etc. This is a project...
Curated OER
Sharing Our Strengths
In this activity, students appreciate their own unique talents-and that of others-by presenting an interest, talent, or hobby.
Curated OER
Cyber Skills
Students, in groups, design and develop Web sites dedicated to special skills traditionally taught by humans rather than by technology. They write Web site reviews that describe and assess their group's envisioned Internet site.
Curated OER
Time, Talent, Treasure and Economics
Students work cooperatively to create a quilt. They choose a pattern and determine the specific skills and steps needed to produce that quilt. Labor is divided equally between group members and a quilt is created assembly line style....
Ohio National Guard
Emotional Intelligence
Guide young learners through the tumultuous emotions of growing up with a set of worksheets about self-esteem and empathy. Each worksheet focuses on a different skill, allowing youngsters to work through their feelings and relate to...
Curated OER
Respect, Cooperation
First graders listen to the Rainbow Fish and sing the song We Are Crayons and list. For this respect and cooperation lesson, 1st graders answer questions about things that make them special. Students write something that makes them...
Curated OER
Reflective Journaling
Students write to influence positive change. In this service learning lesson, students reflect on their service learning experiences as they journal about sharing their time, talent, and treasures. Students share their journals with...
Worthington City Schools
From Survive to Thrive: What Great Substitute Teachers Do Differently
Thinking about signing up as a substitute teacher? Subbing is not for the faint of heart but with the help of the thoughtful advice in a detailed guide, you can develop the skills you need to be a great, professional substitute teacher.
Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
Learning About Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy and Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences feature largely in a session that asks class members to identify their dominate learning style and intelligence. Furthermore, individuals consider how using...
Curated OER
Represent Yourself
Students reflect on their strengths, to foster postive self-awareness and self-esteem. They discuss what the purpose of an adertisement is. What can an ad communicate? Students create an ad of themselves that reflects their own...
Curated OER
A Different Perspective
Students participate in a show called "A Different Perspective" that recognizes previously unnoticed talents of wheelchair bound kids. They assess how to attach an Olympus digital camera to their wheelchairs and take pictures from their...
Curated OER
Students investigate the significance of the Powwow to the Native Americans. They write a story about a special tradition or custom from their own family, play Native American children's games, prepare Indian fry bread, and participate...
Curated OER
Beauty is More Than Skin Deep: Examining the Positive and Negative Depictions of Physical Appearance in Children's Films
Third graders compare and contrast different versions of the same story. They recognize our differences, identify qualities that make us special and unique individuals, and create a 'Wanted' poster illustrating a special quality.
Curated OER
Building Bridges for Young Learners - Self
Students explore self analysis by investigating other cultures. In this personal characteristics lesson, students utilize the Internet to read about a child from Niger, and many other students around the globe. Students compare their own...
Curated OER
Bicentennial Mural
Students create a permanent artwork in celebration of Worthington's and Ohio"s Bicentennials. The 7th and 8th grade art students and staff get to work on this special and unique project. Each student chooses a person, event or symbol...
Curated OER
Save the Music Concerts: Parts 1 & 2
Music aficionados classify pop music into by musical genres or styles. They evaluate the positive and negatives of collaborative performances, view segments of VH1's "Save the Music" concert, and discuss the difficulties of...
Curated OER
Busiest People Ever
Students write a paragraph about what they want to do when they grow up. They include the special skills and education (human capital) they must have to do the job they've chosen.
Curated OER
Job Search Strategies: Lesson 1
Eighth graders in the 8th grade explore the process involved in looking for a job. They make a list of talents and attributes they already have and then analyze these lists to determine what new skills they may need to obtain a job in...
Arizona Department of Education
Be Independent / Life Management Skills
Living independently is about more than managing money. Learn how to manage time, balance responsibilities, and calculate overtime and income with a set of activities about life management skills.
Folk and Fairy Tale Readers: The Spider and the Beehive
Anansi the spider teaches young readers the importance of sharing with others in this fun African folktale. Offering clear illustrations and repetitive structure, this printable book is ideal for developing children's reading fluency.
Curated OER
Recognizing the Main Idea
Understanding that paragraphs have a main idea expressed in a topic sentence, followed by supporting details in the subsequent sentences is the focus of this presentation. Students practice by reading short paragraphs in 10 slides, and...
Curated OER
100 Greatest Women of Rock & Roll - Lesson 4
Students analyze the genres of folk and country music and the importance of the singer/songwriter. They compose their own lyrics based on an inspiring event.