Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

It’s All Relative

For Teachers 8th Standards
Are the people on the other side of the world standing upside down? Pupils discuss the relationship between movement and position words. The unit explores the concept of reference points through animation, modeling, photography, and more. 
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

Planet X

For Students 8th Standards
How did the earth become the mass that it is now? Your young scientists explore this question through the concept of density. Their inquiries consider the impact of gravity on the formation of planets. The culminating activity of the...
Unit Plan
Arizona State University

Physics of Boats

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Let's go sailing! An instructive unit includes six lessons with multiple activities to teach scholars about density, center of gravity, buoyancy, and the Archimedes Principle. They can complete the final project of building a boat on a...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

It's the Heat and the Pressure?

For Teachers 6th Standards
Ready for a change? Give a comprehensive collection of metamorphic materials a try! With the assortment of printables and lab activities, you won't be under pressure to keep things lively. The unit culminates by having pupils complete an...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

What is Time?

For Teachers 1st - 5th
Does it ever seem like time is slipping through your fingers? Model the passing of time with an hourglass activity in which individuals determine whether hourglasses are the most efficient way to measure time.
Lesson Plan
STEM for Teachers

Temperature and Bounce

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Take part in a fun experiment and hold an impromptu bouncing contest with your class. Young scientists heat and cool balls before bouncing them to determine whether temperature changes affect how they bounce. The set of STEM lesson plans...
Lesson Plan

Ocean Layers I

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How is it possible for ocean water to have layers? The sixth installment of a 23-part NOAA Enrichment in Marine sciences and Oceanography (NEMO) program investigates factors that cause different water densities to occur. Experiments...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Household Conservation/Efficiency

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Hook your class up to an online home energy usage calculator so that they can estimate the amount used per month by their families. Then give them Watt meters with which they will measure the power consumption of several small...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

The Magic of Energy: A Disappearing Act?

For Teachers 7th Standards
Using the 5E method for teaching about kinetic energy, potential energy, and conservation of energy, this two-week unit with many videos and possible extensions is sure to keep pupils engaged as they are learning.
Chemistry Collective

Virtual Lab: Creating a Buffer Solution

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Buffers don't just magically appear in the stockroom when you need them! Give learners a crash course in buffer basics using an interactive lab assignment. Individuals are tasked with creating a buffer with a certain pH that will react...
Unit Plan
New York City Department of Education


For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
This six-week unit encompasses all subjects with a focus study on world history and the development of ancient civilizations. As gifted and talented students dive into the interesting yet challenging topic of Egypt, they think critically...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

United Nations Mini-Unit

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Learners demonstrate the ability to develop questions and ideas to initiate and refine research. They demonstrate the ability to conduct research and to answer questions and evaluate information and ideas. They design World Peace Flags.
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Man and Materials Through History

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
From the start of the Industrial Revolution, it only took 147 years for someone to invent plastic. This may seem like a long time, but in the history of inventing or discovering new materials, this is incredibly fast. An informative and...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Development of Baking Powder

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Did you know baking powder can be used to treat acne, whiten teeth, and make sugar cookies? The lesson on the development of baking powder is ready-to-go with no preparation required. Through readings, pupils answer questions, complete...
Lesson Plan
Cornell University

Investigating and Modeling Hardness

For Students 6th - 8th
Model hardness testing with a self-designed hardness test. Young scholars rate the hardness of different types of aspirin using the Vicker's Hardness scale. They then relate hardness to the solubility of each aspirin tablet.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Balloon-Powered Car

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Attractive and logical instructions are provided for constructing a balloon-powered car. Young physical scientists measure the distance their car travels and record it on a pre-printed data sheet. The make alterations to improve the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science- Unit on Matter- Solids

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders identify and describe properties of matter. They identify three forms of matter- solids, liquids, and gases with 100% accuracy. The student describes the properties of solid objects.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science- Unit on Matter- Liquids-

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders discover that everything is made of matter. they determine the properties of liquids and that like solids, liquids can be grouped or classified according to properties or qualities. they assess that solids have a definite...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science: Solids

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders investigate the properties of solids and discover how to classify them. Using rulers, they measure various solids on display. In groups, they play an identification game where one students names a location, such as the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science: Changes in Matter

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders discover what changes occur in various types of matter under different conditions. They make predictions about the changes in an apple left out in the air, water placed in a freezer, and a nail left in a cup of water. They...
Lesson Plan
Baylor College

There's Something in the Air

For Teachers K - 5th
Clever! In order to compare indoor and outdoor dispersal rates for the movement of gases and particles through air, collaborators will participate in a classroom experiment. Set up a circular grid and set students on lines that are...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Hot Air Balloon Design Lesson Plan

For Teachers 6th
Sixth graders discuss what they know and what they want to know about hot air balloon using a KWL chart. They then use a wide array of materials to design a hot air balloon that will lift successfully in cooperative groups referring to...
Unit Plan
Out-of-School Time Resource Center

Nutrition and Physical Activity

For Teachers 1st - 6th Standards
Emerging nutritionists explore what it means to be healthy. In the beginning of the unit, your class will examine the five food groups and learn how food gets from the farm to our plates. This leads into the investigation of the...
Unit Plan
Los Angeles Unified School District

River Systems

For Teachers 6th Standards
Scholars must react to the ecosystems of a river. They use inquiry-based learning along with maps and visuals to better understand the impact of rivers on everyday life. To finish, they create final written projects and presentations.