Curated OER

AP: Chapter 38: Plant Reproduction

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
Short, but sweet, this handout questions the learner on the structures and processes of plant reproduction. Budding botanists draw a dicot seed, label a flower diagram, and describe the functions of different flower parts. It also covers...
Curated OER

Introduction to Plant Reproduction

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
Eight objectives pertaining to plant reproduction are stated and addressed in this presentation. Objectives include defining sexual and asexual reproduction, comparing monocots to dicots, explaining flower types, and more. Some of the...
Teacher Web

Plant Reproduction—Structure of a Flower

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
What happened to the plant in math class? It grew square roots. Here, a set of 11 worksheets provide a review of plant reproduction. It includes the structure of a flower and each part's function, pollination, fertilization, seed...
Curated OER

Plant Reproduction Chapter #4

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The only way to employ a plant reproduction presentation void of pictures is to support it with actual sample flowers. Botany beginners learn about plant reproduction through an underdeveloped outline of flower structures, reproductive...
Curated OER

What Makes a Plant a Plant?

For Teachers 9th - 12th
For a plant unit in your biology curriculum, here is a slide show that bestows the basics of plant structure, reproduction, and classification. The information is general. The main point of the lesson is to highlight what characterizes...
Curated OER

Bee Pollen Popular

For Teachers 1st - 4th Standards
The world would be a much different place without the help of pollinators. Read about the important role bats, hummingbirds, and various insects play in plant reproduction, exploring the interdependence of living things in an ecosystem....
Curated OER

Plant Reproduction

For Students 6th - 10th
In this plant reproduction activity, learners complete a crossword puzzle with 36 questions. They identify the different plant reproductive features.
Curated OER

What is a Plant?

For Students 5th
In this plant learning exercise, 5th graders will use a word bank to label 6 parts of a plant. Then students will label 5 plant reproductions statements as true or false.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Great Pollinators

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Learners discover the reproductive parts of a plant.  For this biology lesson, students identify and categorize several different plants they dissect in class.  Learners record their information using a data chart.
Curated OER

Review of Plants

For Students 6th - 10th
In this plant science worksheet, students complete 45 multiple choice questions on plant reproduction and different plants of a plant.
Curated OER

Introduction to Plant Reproduction

For Students 9th - 12th
In this plant reproduction worksheet, learners will label the 9 reproductive structures of moss and fern. Then students will complete 2 short answer questions based on the diagrams they labeled.
Curated OER

Seed Plant Reproduction

For Students 4th - 8th
In this plant reproduction worksheet, learners will conduct an experiment to see how much pollen a flower makes. Then students will use their data collected to complete 3 short answer questions.
Lesson Plan
Garden Earth Naturalist Club

Parts of a Flower! Flower Dissection

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Sometimes the best way to learn about plants is to see the different parts of a plant yourself. Groups of learners dissect flowers to answer questions about what they observe and what they wonder about their flower.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Photosynthesis and Plant Reproduction

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students explain the process of photosynthesis. In this biology lesson, students label the different reproductive parts of the flowers. They watch a short video then identify the leaf parts on the board.
Lesson Plan
Odell Education

Plant and Animal Cells

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Incorporate multiple facets of the cell into your next high school lab! Through an introduction to cell organelles, class members observe each cell type and draw visuals to further demonstrate understanding of cellular processes in both...
Lesson Plan

The Pollinator

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
What do bees and children have in common? They both love their sweets. Decorate a flower pot or bucket to look like a brightly colored flower and fill it with wrapped candy and cheese puffs. Have learners reach into grab the candy,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Dry Forest: Flowers

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Students explore botany by examining diagrams. In this plant reproduction activity, students define a list of plant vocabulary terms and identify plant anatomy from a diagram. Students complete several plant activity worksheets and study...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

From Seeds to Plants

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders review the process of plant reproduction and the role of seeds in that process. The students dissect a seed, analyze their finds, collect and record data, and make predictions about seed germination and plant growth.
Curated OER

Flower Structure and Reproduction

For Students 6th - 9th
In this plant science worksheet, students color and label the different parts of the flower. They write short answers to 14 questions about flowers.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Asexual-Sexual Reproduction

For Teachers 8th
Eighth graders examine the reproductive organs of plants. In this plant reproduction lesson, 8th graders identify the reproductive organs of different plants using a digital camera. Students create a plant portfolio of images large...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plant Parts

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders conduct research on plant parts. They listen to the book "Jack and the Beanstalk," explore various websites and read about plant parts, and create a movie using Kid Pix computer software.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pollination of Flowers by Moths

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Turn your classroom into a pollination station as your kids transform into moths or predators trying to survive and aiding in plant reproduction along the way. Using silent party blowers as proboscises, the moths will have two minutes to...
Biology Junction

Introduction to the Plant Kingdom

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Plants provide humans with food, shelter, and medications. Scholars gain a better appreciation for plants after learning their functions, divisions, and early ancestors. Each sub-topic includes slides highlighting vocabulary and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plant Lifecycles

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Students examine the life cycle of plants. In this plants lesson, students identify the various stages of plants and their parts. Students compare the life cycle of a plant with that of an animal. Activities suggested can be modified for...

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