Curated OER

Man of Four Strings: Cliff Williams

For Students 9th - 12th
Use the Internet as a research tool for your High schoolers. They must discover the answers to the trivia questions presented in this on-line instructional activity. This resource focuses on questions about the bass player for the band...
Curated OER

Headbangers' Radio: As I Lay Dying

For Students 9th - 12th
Challenge the research skills of your High school pupils with this on-line activity. They must search the Internet for answers to questions that have to do with the band, As I Lay Dying.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plant Parts and their Function

For Teachers 3rd
Discover why plants are important to our world. View plant parts and categorize them as stems or buds. Students do a cut and paste of pictures of plants into correct categories.  Students also plant a carrot top,and record the growth and...
Curated OER


For Teachers 2nd - 3rd
Here is an outstanding presentation on nouns for your young writers. After discovering that a noun names a person, place, or thing, learners practice identifying nouns by choosing the noun from a list that describes a picture they are...
Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

Different Ways to Develop Fine Motor Skills

For Teachers Pre-K - 4th
Adjust your everyday routine to efficiently improve fine motor skills in your classroom.
K12 Reader

The Pitch and Volume of Sound

For Students 2nd - 3rd Standards
Primary graders are introduced to the concepts of pitch and volume with a reading comprehension learning exercise that focuses on the physics of sound.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Mirror Exercise

For Teachers K - 6th
Kids get up and act! To promote inventiveness, timing, and clowning, they pair up and act as though they are looking in a mirror. Child A does a move while child B attempts to mimic it as closely as possible. This is a fun activity that...
Curated OER

Being Shadowed

For Students K - 2nd
What causes a shadow to appear? Have kindergartners and first graders explore shadows with a fun science activity. After reading a short paragraph about light sources, they draw a shadow for a little girl based on the location of the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What's Outside the Window

For Teachers K - 2nd
What do your students see when they look outside the window? This project lets their imagination go wild, and lets you see what kind of daydreaming they do best. They each draw, paint, and color an image of what they imagine as they are...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Our States, My State

For Teachers K - 1st
Here is a very nice lesson plan on the shape of the United States, and the shapes of the individual states for your young geographers. They utilize worksheets embedded in the plan to color in a variety of states and to become familiar...
Ohio National Guard

Emotional Intelligence

For Students 3rd - 5th
Guide young learners through the tumultuous emotions of growing up with a set of worksheets about self-esteem and empathy. Each worksheet focuses on a different skill, allowing youngsters to work through their feelings and relate to...
American Museum of Natural History

Piecing It All Together

For Students 6th - 12th
Archaeology digs are much like giant jigsaw puzzles. The artifacts found are often in pieces and scientists must reconstruct them. A hands-on activity lets young archaeologists experience this facet of the job as they create, smash, and...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Definition Context Clues

For Students 7th - 10th
Model for young readers how to recognize definition clues and how to use these clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. Then distribute this worksheet that offers them an opportunity to practice recognizing the clues and...
Have Fun Teaching

12 Months of Daily Journal Prompts

For Students Pre-K - 9th
Imagine a packet of 365 colorfully illustrated journal prompt templates, grouped by month, that recognize themes, holidays, and events. Here 'tis, imagine that.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Berlioz the Bear

For Teachers K - 1st
Young children read the story, Berlioz the Bear and complete various reading and writing activities. They learn about fiction and non-fiction, and complete graphing and writing activities for the story. Youngsters draw the bear and use...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pantomime Exercise

For Teachers K - 6th
Learners of any age can learn to communicate using gestures and their bodies. They create a pantomime of a specific activity without using any words. This resource includes a link to an Off-Broadway Workshop for kids.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Tug of War Exercise

For Teachers K - 6th
Learners hone their acting and imagination by playing tug-o-war with an imaginary rope. Each group works together and pretends to pull the other group over the imaginary line with an imaginary rope. This could be a good improve warm up...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Picture Your Future Self

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers research careers using the internet and newspapers. As a group, they create a newsletter about careers of the future.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Florida Blue Crab

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Explore the extraordinary creatures of the ocean! Learners create Florida Blue Crabs (imitation of course) using blue paint and their hand prints. This is a cute supplementary project perfect for an ocean-themed unit or preschool...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Mixing Colors with Corn Syrup and Food Coloring

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Anyone who has worked with small children know that color identification and color mixing can be fun! This simple idea has a lot of potential. It suggests to mix food coloring with corn syrup to provide an opportunity for color mixing...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Sound Waves

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Using a karaoke machine, a guitar, and other devices, learners explore the way sound waves travel. Using this hands on approach, learners can get a better understanding of wavelength, frequency, and more.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Shoe Fish

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd
Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish! Kids take off their shoes and trace them to create fish for a large aquarium art project. Each traced shoe shape is decorated with gills, fins, scales, and eyes, then hug on an aquarium background. Three book...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Paper Ring Art

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
A few bits of paper can really go a long way when it comes to art. Learners build motor skills and a creative voice as they shape and glue thin strips of paper, creating an original scene. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Patterned Leaf Cloths

For Teachers K
Students identify and reproduce simple patterns (e.g., red blocks alternating with blue blocks; clap-clap-stamp) and create and extend simple patterns using a variety of materials or actions (e.g., popsicle sticks, pebbles, stickers,...

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