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digital photographyClear All
Khan Academy
What is Inside a Digital Camera? (1 of 2)
Explore the big picture of digital cameras. The first of two videos on digital cameras shows viewers the components inside a simple digital camera. It explains in detail how a digital camera works and how the components are made.
Crash Course
Computer Vision: Crash Course Computer Science #35
Can your computer recognize you? Scholars learn about computer vision, starting with analyzing digital images. It progresses to face recognition and biometrics and ends with autonomous driving.
Crash Course
The Cinematographer
Cranes, dollies, steadicams, and special lenses. Viewers focus on the world of the cinematographer with the eighth episode of a playlist on film production. The video details the various responsibilities of the Directory of...
Khan Academy
What is Inside a DVD Player? (5 of 5)
You probably know that there is laser in a DVD player, but how exactly does it work? The last of five videos explains the laser setup in the DVD player and how it is able to transmit stored information. The video begins with a...
Khan Academy
What is Inside a DVD Player? (2 of 5)
Powered up! In a continuation of the series on DVD players, the second video explores the switch mode power supply unit. It also looks at the difference between AC and DC.
Khan Academy
What is Inside a Universal Remote Control?
Viewers get to see inside a universal remote control with a code library with a short video that explains the components and how they work together to provide convenience.
Be Smart
Does The Moon Really Orbit The Earth?
What do Newton's Law of Gravitation and the moon's orbit have in common? Assist pupils as they view a short video segment and learn the gravitational methods of the moon and earth. They learn the reason why and how these have changed...
Be Smart
What's The Loudest Possible Sound?
If a tree falls in the forest and no person is around, does it still make a sound? Students view a short video segment to determine sound and decibel levels of various objects, including the loudest and quietest possible sounds humans...
Be Smart
The Physics of Space Battles
Ready to take your class on a journey through space and witness epic battles? A video segment portrays the true way space battles happen, complete with the way Hollywood handles the lack of gravity, even while firing missiles at the...
Be Smart
What Color is the Universe?
What colors are the sun, our galaxy, and the universe? An engaging video provides an overview of each and why what we think we are seeing is often wrong. It provides explanations for how to understand colors that aren't in the...
Be Smart
How Many Smells Can You Smell?
Do you know what doesn't stink? This resource! The video explains how people can smell, when they start smelling, and the changing idea of how many different smells individuals can identify. It introduces the concept of olfactory...
Be Smart
The Science of Marathon Running
The science of marathon running is the subject of a resource that begins with the history of the marathon and why it is 26.2 miles long, and then goes into the biology in our bodies and the way our muscles, bones, and other physical...
Be Smart
Rise of the Superbugs
The narrator of a short video shows learners the history of antibiotics with the use of penicillin. Viewers then see how bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics and what that means for our future health and for the...
Be Smart
Where Do Birds Go In Winter?
The poet Homer believed that birds went to battle tribes of goat-riding dwarfs during the winter. As the video explains, this myth and many others that seem crazy to us now, wasn't questioned for many years. The reality isn't quite as...
Be Smart
Why I'm Scared of Spiders
Eighty-four percent of people have an irrational fear. This video focuses on a fear of spiders. It explains the different types of fear, the conditioning that creates fear, and the evolutionary advantage to these fears. It doesn't just...
Be Smart
%$?# Allergies!
About 40,000 people have sinus surgery every year, hoping to relieve sinus congestion due to allergies. Learners see why some people have allergies and others don't. From flowers' pollen to pet dander, some human immune systems are...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electrical Engineering: What Is Inside a Digital Camera?
In this video we compare different revisions of the same digital camera. (2 of 2) [3:03]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electrical Engineering: What Is Inside a Digital Camera?
In this video we go inside the digital camera to discover what is inside and how it works. (1 of 2) [9:55]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Inside a Digital Camera? (1 of 2)
A video [9:54] that explores what is inside a digital camera to discover how it works.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Inside a Digital Camera? (2 of 2)
A video [3:02] that compares different revisions of the same digital camera.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Digital Camera: What Is Inside a Digital Camera? (1 of 2)
In this video we go inside the digital camera to discover what is inside and how it works. [9:55]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Bit Zee Bot: 17. How to Hotwire a Digital Camera
This video shows you how to "hotwire" a digital camera. This video outlines the first step in making our digital camera work in the Bit-zee robot. The required voltage for the camera was determined by adding the1.5 volt AAA batteries...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Digital Camera: What Is Inside a Digital Camera? (2 of 2)
In this video we compare different revisions of the same digital camera.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Bit Zee Bot: 18. Attaching Bit Zee's Digital Camera
In this video we show you how to attach Bit-zee's camera and route the wires. [3:23]