Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Birds' Eggs

For Teachers 7th - 9th Standards
More than just data, scatter plots are full of information that can be used to answer a variety of questions. This lesson uses a plot with information about bird egg sizes to answer questions about the relationship between length and...

False Positives

For Students 7th - 10th Standards
The test may say you have cancer, but sometimes the test is wrong. The provided task asks learners to analyze cancer statistics for a fictitious town. Given the rate of false positives, they interpret the meaning of this value in the...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

How Many Buttons?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Bring the class into the probability by having everyone count buttons on their shirts. Organize the data into the chart provided and chose different possibilities such as "female with one button" or "all students with more than four...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Rising Gas Prices – Compounding and Inflation

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Financial literacy skills and exponential models are connected by the compound interest formula in this task centered on inflation calculations. Collaborative learners get experience collecting data from the given websites and exploring...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Chocolate Bar Sales

For Teachers 5th - 7th Standards
For this real-world example, algebra learners start to get a sense of how to represent the relationship between two variables in different ways. They start by looking at a partial table of values that define a linear relationship. They...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

How Many Triangles?

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
Something for young mathematicians to remember: the sum of any two sides must be greater than the third. Class members investigates the Triangle Inequality Theorem to find the relationship between the sides of a triangle. At the same...
New York State Education Department

English Language Arts Examination: August 2015

For Students 9th - 12th
Assessing a variety of skills using numerous item types is a great way to collect data for formative and summative use. Using a challenging exam, scholars prove their comprehension and reading skills through multiple choice, task, and...
Lesson Plan

From Ratio Tables, Equations and Double Number Line Diagrams to Plots on the Coordinate Plane

For Teachers 6th Standards
Represent ratios using a variety of methods. Classmates combine the representations of ratios previously learned with the coordinate plane. Using ratio tables, equations, double number lines, and ordered pairs to represent...
Lesson Plan

Sampling Variability and the Effect of Sample Size

For Teachers 7th Standards
The 19th installment in a 25-part series builds upon the sampling from the previous unit and takes a larger sample. Pupils compare the dot plots of sample means using two different sample sizes to find which one has the better variability.
Lesson Plan

Describing a Distribution Displayed in a Histogram

For Teachers 6th Standards
The shape of the histogram is also relative. Learners calculate relative frequencies from frequency tables and create relative frequency histograms. The scholars compare the histograms made from frequencies to those made from relative...
Mathematics Assessment Project

Middle School Mathematics Test 4

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Raise expectations in your classroom and assess learners through the provided performance tasks. Class members must apply concepts learned throughout the year, providing a good measurement of how well they understand the material. The...
Mathematics Assessment Project

College and Career Readiness Mathematics Test C1

For Students 9th - 12th
Challenge high schoolers with a thorough math resource. The 20-page test incorporates questions from upper-level high school math in applied and higher order questions.
Fluence Learning

Writing Informative Text: School Days

For Students 5th Standards
A three-part writing assessment challenges scholars to think critically about schools of the past and present. Learners read informative texts, answer questions to prepare for a discussion, research in small groups, complete a Venn...
Balanced Assessment

Stick Patterns

For Students 6th - 8th
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but these sticks will make me smarter. Pupils examine arrays of sticks to determine the next array in a pattern. They use the number of sticks added to each previous array to determine a recursive...
Balanced Assessment

Toilet Graph

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Mathematics can model just about anything—so why not simulate the height of water in a toilet bowl? The lesson asks pupils to create a graphical model to describe the relationship of the height of the water as it empties and fills again....
Mathed Up!

Distance Time Graphs

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
If only there was a graph to show the distance traveled over a period of time. Given distance-time graphs, pupils read them to determine the answers to questions. Using the distance and time on a straight line, scholars calculate the...
Science Matters

Electricity and Magnetism Pre-Assessment

For Students 4th
How much do your classes know about electricity and magnetism? A complete elementary unit on the topic begins with a pre-assessment to gauge their understanding prior to instruction. Items include questions about the properties of...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Buttons: Statistical Questions

For Teachers 5th - 7th Standards
Here is a nice activity about recognizing the difference between a statistical question and answer and one that anticipates a fixed answer. From this, your future statisticians will develop an understanding of variability and be able to...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Mr. Brigg's Class Likes Math

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
A quick discussion question that brings some collaboration into your classroom will allow your thinkers to make a decision about sampling. Mr. Briggs wants to know if the results from his class are a valuable comparison to the entire...
Inside Mathematics

Winning Spinners

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Winning a spin game is random chance, right? Pupils create a table to determine the sample space of spinning two spinners. Individuals determine the probability of winning a game and then modify the spinners to increase the probability...
Beauty and Joy of Computing

Three Key List Operations

For Students 9th - 12th
Develop an understanding of the Map, Keep, and Combine operations. The lab leads the class through the exploration of three list operations. Each task contains a self-check to measure scholars' understanding of the operation in the task. 

Ground Beef

For Students 7th - 10th Standards
Ever wonder how a butcher creates the different types of ground beef? Young mathematicians explore the methods butchers use to create their desired ground beef quality. Given a combination of two types of meat with varying leanness,...
Noyce Foundation

Fair Game?

For Teachers 6th - 7th Standards
The game should be fair at all costs. The mini-assessment revolves around the ability to use probabilities to determine whether a game is fair. Individuals determine compound events to calculate simple probabilities and make long-run...
Noyce Foundation


For Teachers 6th Standards
Teach your class to think outside the box. Scholars use the concept of equality to solve a problem in the assessment task. They determine how to use a scale to identify the one box out of a set of nine boxes that is heavier than the others.

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