Lesson Plan
Project Maths

Introduction to Calculus

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed Standards
Don't let your class's heart rates rise as you introduce them to differentiation ... an inquiry-based lesson helps them keep it in check! The second lesson in a three-part series asks learners to analyze the rate of change of different...
Lesson Plan

Domino Effect

For Teachers 8th - 9th Standards
Carryout the lesson to determine the cost of pizza toppings from a Domino's Pizza® website while creating a linear model. Learners look through real data—and even create their own pizza—to determine the cost of each topping. They explore...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Transformationally Speaking

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
Young mathematicians explore transformations of graphs by graphing sets of functions on the same pair of axes. They use their graphs to determine the effect that the values of a and b in y = ax + b have on the graph of y = x.
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education


For Teachers 7th
Examine some properties that don't require a general contractor. Scholars first complete a mental math activity that uses the properties of real numbers. A separate activity formalizes these properties.
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education


For Teachers 7th Standards
Science equipment can be handy for math class, too. Scholars learn to solve one- and two-step linear equations by using the concept of a balance. They solve real-world problems in a variety of contexts by writing and solving linear...
University of Kansas

Exponential and Logarithm Problems

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
This worksheet manages to provide both fun and serious work solving exponential and logarithmic application problems in engaging story lines and real-life situations. A strong emphasis on science applications and numbers pulled straight...
Lesson Plan

One-Step Equations—Multiplication and Division

For Teachers 6th Standards
Discover one more step to being able to solve any one-step equation. Scholars continue their work with one-step equations in the 28th installment of a 36-part module. Tape diagrams and algebraic processes introduce how to solve one-step...
Shodor Education Foundation


For Students 11th - Higher Ed
Take a great look at integration! Young scholars use an interactive to learn how to integrate a function. Learners input a function and view the integral as well as see a graphical representation.
Ed Migliore

Linear Equations in Two Variables

For Students 7th - 9th Standards
This traditional textbook style unit includes vocabulary, a direct explanation section, examples, practice problems that directly line up with the explanations and examples, and a unit summary review and practice problems. Learners get...
Lesson Plan
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Polynomial Division

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Multiply the ways your scholars can find the quotient with polynomial division. A lesson introduces polynomial division via long division, synthetic division, generic area model, and using the definition of division. Learners then...
CK-12 Foundation

Zero Product Principle: Mysterious Parabolas

For Students 8th - 10th Standards
Be a hero, not a zero! Help your classes understand how to solve quadratic equations with the zero product property using an animated simulation. Using the controls, scholars manipulate the zeros and watch as the function and its factors...
101 Questions

Pyramid of Pennies

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Go big or go home! Learners watch a video rendition of the creation of a penny pyramid. Their task is to determine the number of pennies in the pyramid. The lesson encourages multiple methods, including function building or volume formulas.
Mt. San Antonio Collage

Review: Solving Equations

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
While there are many types of equations to solve, the main focus here is on quadratics. Starting with a quick review of the different methods, learners are guided through the solving process and are challenged to solve higher level of...
Mt. San Antonio Collage

Exponential Growth and Decay

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Start with the basics and move up the exponential ladder to master a variety of problem-solving and application problems. The problems are heavy on exponential growth and decay, compound interest, and natural log.  
Lesson Plan

Ferris Wheels—Tracking the Height of a Passenger Car

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Watch your pupils go round and round as they explore periodic behavior. Learners graph the height of a Ferris wheel over time. They repeat the process with Ferris wheels of different diameters.
Lesson Plan

Graphing Factored Polynomials

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Young mathematicians graph polynomials using the factored form. As they apply all positive leading coefficients, pupils demonstrate the relationship between the factors and the zeros of the graph.
Lesson Plan

Linear and Exponential Models—Comparing Growth Rates

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Does a linear or exponential model fit the data better? Guide your class through an exploration to answer this question. Pupils create an exponential and linear model for a data set and draw conclusions, based on predictions and the...
Lesson Plan

Modeling from a Sequence

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Building upon previous knowledge of sequences, collaborative pairs analyze sequences to determine the type and to make predictions of future terms. The exercises build through arithmetic and geometric sequences before introducing...
Lesson Plan

Modeling an Invasive Species Population

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Context makes everything better! Groups use real data to create models and make predictions. Classmates compare an exponential model to a linear model, then consider the real-life implications. 
Lesson Plan
Natinal Math + Science Initative

Slope Investigation

For Students 6th - 9th Standards
Context is the key to understanding slope. A real-world application of slope uses a weight loss scenario with a constant rate of change to introduce the concept of slope of a line, before it makes a connection to the ordered pairs and...
Lesson Plan

Designing Your Own Game

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Your classes become video game designers for a day! They utilize their matrices, vectors, and transformation skills to create and design their own game images. The complex task requires learners to apply multiple concepts to create their...
Balanced Assessment

Bagels or Donuts

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Explore business problems through mathematical analysis. The task has individuals write and graph a linear system to determine the best business model. They use their models to answer a series of questions that help to make a conclusion.
Whitman College


For Students 11th - Higher Ed Standards
Everything you wanted to know about calculus—and more! The resource is a complete Calculus textbook with explanations, examples, and practice problems. 
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Two Wheels and a Belt

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Geometry gets an engineering treatment in an exercise involving a belt wrapped around two wheels of different dimensions. Along with the wheels, this belt problem connects concepts of right triangles, tangent lines, arc length, and...

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