Lesson Plan
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education

Finance: Depreciation (Double Declining)

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Of particular interest to a group of business and finance pupils, this instructional activity explores depreciation of automobile values by comparing the double declining balance to the straight line method. Mostly this is done through a...
Lesson Plan
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education

Information Technology: Photoshop Scale

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Scaling is a practical skill as well as a topic to be addressed throughout the Common Core math standards. You are given three different presentations and a detailed teacher's guide to use while teaching proportion, as well as practice...
Lesson Plan
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education

STEM: Lou-Vee Air Car

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
A comprehensive lesson on acceleration awaits your physicists and engineers! Two YouTube videos pique their interest, then sample F=ma problems are worked and graphed. The highlight of the lesson is the building of a Lou-Vee air car!...

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