Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Logic and Conditional Statements

For Teachers 9th - 11th
If there is a conditional statement, then there is a hypothesis and conclusion. Pupils learn how to identify the parts of conditional statements. Class members continue to work with conditional statements and rewrite them in their many...
Curated OER

Weather and Climate

For Teachers 6th - 10th Standards
It's hot today, but is that the weather or the climate? This colorful presentation isolates both concepts to allow for better understanding by covering the positioning of the planet, making comparisons of land versus water, and looking...
Unit Plan

Analyzing Famous Speeches as Arguments

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
A speaker, a message, an audience. After analyzing these elements in Queen Elizabeth's speech to the troops at Tilbury, groups analyze how other speakers use an awareness of events, and their audience to craft their arguments....
Lesson Plan
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Human Skin Color: Evidence for Selection

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Skin color is controlled by at least six genes. Young scientists learn about skin colors through a documentary. They discuss the topics of pigment, natural selection, and vitamin D absorption. They apply their knowledge to higher order...
Lesson Plan
Teach It Primary

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Six tasks make up a lesson plan designed to reinforce comprehension and language skills using the poem "The Pied Piper" by Robert Browing. Scholars discuss and define unknown words, identify adjectives and onomatopoeia, review complex...
Lesson Plan
Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and Treatment

Concept Muraling

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Concept muraling helps learners improve their comprehension of a text by giving them a way to organize their understanding of the key concepts in that text. Introduce readers to this process with a carefully scaffolded lesson that models...

How to Write a Tongue Twister

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Betty Botter and Theophilus Thistle provide models for willy writers to wrestle words into tricky tongue twisters. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit 3 Assessment: Writing a Research Synthesis

For Teachers 7th Standards
Ready, set, write! Scholars work on the end-of-unit assessment by completing a writing prompt. They then look at the model performance task from instructional activity two to create a rubric for scoring the exercise. Using turn and talk,...
Unit Plan
University of Oklahoma

Understanding My Individualized Education Program

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The final unit the series helps learners become familiar with the major components and vocabulary in their IEPs. Using a KWL chart, class members record information about their IEPs and set goals for themselves.
Lesson Plan

Writing Interview Questions

For Teachers 6th Standards
And now for the star witness! Scholars take a look at a model newspaper article and discuss the importance of eyewitness accounts. In groups of three, they take turns underlining text from eyewitnesses. They then regroup to talk about...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Comparing and Contrasting Two Texts: Simulated Research

For Teachers 6th Standards
Shoo fly. Scholars read DDT Spray Scares Mosquitoes Away, Study Finds and You Think You Have It Tough? to complete a mid-unit assessment. The learners compare and contrast author presentation and conduct a credibility check on each...
Lesson Plan

Researching Digital Sources, Part 2: Guided WebQuest

For Teachers 6th Standards
Go surfing for the facts. Scholars continue their work using their Digital Resources on DDT sheet to find information by searching websites. After collecting information, they mix and mingle to hear information discovered by classmates.
Lesson Plan

Researching Digital Sources, Part 1: Guided WebQuest

For Teachers 6th Standards
We are living in a technical world. Scholars learn how to examine digital resources for their research on DDT. They explore a list of websites using a Digital Resources on DDT sheet. Learners examine their research notebook to determine...
Lesson Plan

Resource Materials and Gathering Information: Reading Another “Choice” Text from the Research Folder

For Teachers 6th Standards
Look it up. Scholars use a dictionary and thesaurus to verify the meaning of the research vocabulary words they defined in the previous activity. They then use sticky notes to write a synonym for each word. Finally, individuals choose a...
Lesson Plan

Research Tasks: New Words, Relevant Information, Revision

For Teachers 6th Standards
Word builders. Scholars participate in a mini lesson about affixes. They then complete a research vocabulary organizer and share their definitions of the words with the class. They gather more evidence for their research from the...
Lesson Plan

Getting the Gist and Paraphrasing: “Rachel Carson: Environmentalist and Writer”

For Teachers 6th Standards
Don't copy me. Scholars prepare to dig in with an introduction to their research folder and a discussion about plagiarism. They then review the meanings of harmful and beneficial and how the words apply to the use of DDT. They finish the...
Lesson Plan

Final Performance Task: Presenting Graphic Novelettes

For Teachers 5th Standards
Let's get graphic. Serving as the final performance task of the unit, scholars complete their graphic novelettes and design covers based on their sketches. Finally, they present their hard work to classmates. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part 1: Research and Response

For Teachers 5th Standards
Stay on target. The class reviews the learning targets for the unit and the end of unit assessment. Scholars then begin working on part one of the assessment answering how Canada's natural resources meet the needs of the people and how...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Analyzing a New Narrative about a Natural Disaster, Part I

For Teachers 5th Standards
Scholars complete a mid-unit assessment by analyzing a narrative text, In the Middle of the Storm. Learners determine the gist of the text, identify synonyms, make inferences, and answer text-dependent questions to demonstrate...
Curated OER

Cartoons for the Classroom: 9/11 Revisited

For Students 8th - 12th
Political cartoons about the September 11 terrorist attacks provide an opportunity for class members to analyze the inferences embedded in the drawings.

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