Lesson Plan

Creativity in Algorithms

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Groups work with the program they built in the previous instructional activity to make it more creative. The resource challenges pupils to add functionality to their existing programs by adding a new command.
Lesson Plan

The Need for Algorithms

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Pairs work through two scenarios that require them to generate an algorithm. The first activity requires pairs to define a common language to use; the second comes with the language. The pairs then must determine how to code the...
Lesson Plan

Creating Summary Tables

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Let the computer summarize all that data. Pairs work together to learn how to create pivot tables by following directions in the online module. They then utilize the data collected from the beginning of the unit to create their own...
Lesson Plan

Cleaning Data

For Teachers 9th - 12th
"Clean the data!" "I did not know it was dirty." Introduce your class to the process of cleaning data so that it can analyze it. Groups work through a guide that demonstrates the common ways to filter and sort data. Pairs then...
Lesson Plan

Making Data Visualizations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Relax ... now visualize the data. Introduce pupils to creating charts from a single data set. Using chart tools included in spreadsheet programs class members create data visualizations that display data. The activity encourages...
Lesson Plan

Good and Bad Data Visualizations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Good versus bad data. Pairs rate online collections of data representations from good to bad and then suggest ways to improve the visualizations. The class then creates a list of best practices and common errors in data representations...
Lesson Plan

Practice PT - Encode an Experience

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Encoding What I did Last Summer. Class members develop a way to encode a personal experience using a top-down approach to determine components and sub-components of their experience They then pick one portion of the experience and go...
Lesson Plan

APIs and Using Functions with Parameters

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Introduce your class to the API, a reference guide that lists and explains the functionality of programming language. Using JavaScript, individuals draw complex designs that require additional commands and parameters defined in the API...
Lesson Plan

Using Simple Commands

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Turtles might be slow, but class will zoom by when your pupils build a program in which reptiles draw a grid. Using App Lab and JavaScript, class members build a program to find the most efficient way to draw an image of a three-by-three...
Lesson Plan

Practice PT - Tell a Data Story

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Show your class how it all comes together. The last lesson in a unit of 15 has individuals take everything they learned in the data section to analyze the class-generated data. The pupils find a story they want to tell that appeals to...
Lesson Plan

Finding Trends with Visualizations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Pupils often hear about trends, but they don't always see them. The eighth instructional activity in a unit of 15 requires individuals to use the Google Trends tool. Class members identify patterns in the visualization before presenting...
Lesson Plan

Lossy Compression and File Formats

For Teachers 9th - 12th
I'm compressed. Groups do a rapid research of different file types to determine what kind of compression the formats use and how it works. They share their information with the rest of the class until everyone has all the information for...
Lesson Plan

Text Compression

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The second lesson in a unit of 15 introduces pupils to text compression. The class begins with discussing how they already use text compression when sending text messages. Pairs learn more about the subject as they work to compress a...
Lesson Plan

Bytes and File Sizes

For Teachers 9th - 12th
A bite of bits. The first lesson in a unit of 15 introduces the class to the byte. Pupils learn about other standard units for measuring file sizes, develop an understanding of relative sizes and the kind of units used to measure...
Lesson Plan

Algorithms Detour - Shortest Path

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young programmers investigate the Single Source Shortest Path problem by working in paris to devise their own algorithm. They then progress to using Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve the problem. 
Lesson Plan

Routers and Redundancy

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How are messages to the right recipient? Introduce the concept of routing Internet traffic by drawing a comparison to sending a letter. Groups use the Internet Simulator program to send messages to others using the same router and...