Instructional Video12:24
Curated Video

Why We Might Be Alone in the Universe

12th - Higher Ed
Why does it appear, that humanity is the lone intelligence in the universe? The answer might be that planet Earth is more unique than we've previously assumed. The rare earth hypothesis posits exactly this - that a range of factors made...
Instructional Video13:26
TED Talks

TED: How to be a leader for climate justice | David Lammy and Justin J. Pearson

12th - Higher Ed
Climate justice is taking center stage -- geopolitically, socially and morally. In a contagiously courageous conversation, Member of Parliament in the UK David Lammy and Tennessee state representative Justin J. Pearson discuss how brave...
Instructional Video4:23

TED-Ed: Do mosquitos actually bite some people more than others? | Maria Elena De Obaldia

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Some swear they're cursed to be hunted by mosquitos while their close-by companions are regularly left unscathed. Are mosquitos really attracted to some people more than others? And if so, is there anything we can do about it? Maria...
Instructional Video4:18

TED-Ed: Can you change your sleep schedule? | TED-Ed

Pre-K - Higher Ed
An early bird rises with the sun, springing out of bed abuzz with energy. Meanwhile, a night owl groggily rises much later, not hitting their stride until late in the day. How many people are truly night owls or early birds? And are our...
Instructional Video5:15

TED-Ed: The one thing stopping jellyfish from taking over | Mariela Pajuelo and Javier Antonio Quinones

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Over the past two decades, jellyfish have begun to overwhelm our oceans. If things stay on their current trajectory, we could be headed for a future where the entire ocean is thick with jellyfish. So, is there anything that can keep...
Instructional Video5:45

TED-Ed: This is what happens when you hit the gas | Shannon Odell

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 2015, two men drove a Volkswagen across the US on just over 100 gallons of fuel. Their 81-mile-per-gallon performance doubled the car's estimated fuel rating, and set the record for the lowest fuel consumption ride of a diesel car....
Instructional Video4:59

TED-Ed: Which is better for you: "Real" meat or "fake" meat? | Carolyn Beans

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 2021, a survey of over 1,000 Americans found that nearly two-thirds had eaten plant-based meat alternatives in the past year. Many cited potential health and environmental benefits as their motivation. But are these alternative meats...
Instructional Video4:52

TED-Ed: Want to know if you're pregnant? Use this frog | Carly Anne York

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In the early 20th century, pregnancy testing required a slippery piece of equipment: a female African clawed frog. For decades, hospitals and research labs had a trusted supply of these handy creatures, employing their help in testing...
Instructional Video4:49

TED-Ed: A 5,300-year-old murder mystery | Albert Zink

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In September 1991, two hikers discovered a corpse emerging from the ice. Researchers soon realized they were looking at the mummified body of a man who'd lived about 5,300 years ago, and theorized he got caught in bad weather and froze....
Instructional Video5:02

TED-Ed: How the water you flush becomes the water you drink | Francis de los Reyes

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 2003, Singapore's national water agency launched an unprecedented program to provide more than 50% of their nation's water supply by recycling wastewater. The program had been planned for decades to ensure the island nation never ran...
Instructional Video4:44

TED-Ed: Whoever builds something here will be rich beyond measure | Fabio Pacucci

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Since the 1950s, governments, companies, and researchers have been planting flags among the stars. But while it might seem like there's plenty of room in space, some pieces of celestial real estate are more valuable than others. As far...
Instructional Video5:28

TED-Ed: Science vs. Pseudoscience | Siska De Baerdemaeker

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Pseudoscience is a set of theories, methods, and assumptions that appear scientific, but aren't. In the worst cases, pseudoscience practitioners encourage this confusion to exploit people. But even when it's well-intentioned,...
Instructional Video13:37
TED Talks

TED: Are we the last generation -- or the first sustainable one? | Hannah Ritchie

12th - Higher Ed
The word "sustainability" gets thrown around a lot these days. But what does it actually mean for humanity to be sustainable? Environmental data scientist Hannah Ritchie digs into the numbers behind human progress across centuries,...
Instructional Video17:00
TED Talks

TED: How to solve the world's biggest problems | Natalie Cargill

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes the world's biggest issues can seem so intractable that meaningful change feels impossible. But what if the answer has been right in front of us all along? What if the answer is actually throwing money at the problems? In this...
Instructional Video16:15
TED Talks

TED: How to hack your brain when you're in pain | Amy Baxter

12th - Higher Ed
Have we misunderstood pain? Researcher and physician Amy Baxter unravels the symphony of connections that send pain from your body to your brain, explaining practical neuroscience hacks to quickly block those signals. Her groundbreaking...
Instructional Video25:45
TED Talks

TED: What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know | Al Gore

12th - Higher Ed
In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time. You won't want to miss his searing indictment of fossil...