Savvas Learning


For Teachers 2nd - 5th
Noun, adverbial, and adjective clauses are the focus of this 26-page grammar packet designed for language learners. Loaded with activities, exercises, games, and worksheets, the materials can be adapted for most levels.
Savvas Learning


For Teachers 2nd - 5th
Singular and plural. Count and noncount. Nouns are the focus of this 19-page grammar packet. Language learners complete a series of exercises ranging from fill-in-the-blank questions to word puzzles and more in order to further their...
Savvas Learning

Comparatives and Superlatives

For Teachers 2nd - 5th
If not the best, then certainly one of the better grammar resources designed for language learners, this packet focuses on comparatives and superlatives.

Commonly Confused Words

For Students 3rd - 6th Standards
Test your scholars' knowledge of commonly confused words with this grammar worksheet. With multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank options, this ten question activity is certain to express your learners' understanding. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pendemonium: The Great African Surfari

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Young scholars discover the importance of matching verbs to their subjects through a discussion of a whimsical video on verb agreement and a read aloud of the book, "To Root, To Toot To Parachute". They practice verb agreement in...
Savvas Learning

Conditionals and Wishes

For Teachers 2nd - 5th
Conditional constructions (If I were, if he had, etc.) are the focus of a 29-page grammar packet packed with exercises for language learners.

There, They're, Their

For Students 3rd - 6th Standards
Accompany a there, they're, and their lesson or test your pupils' comprehension with a grammar worksheet where scholars read sentences and fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word.
Curated OER

Using Conjunctions 2

For Students 4th - 5th
In this language arts activity, students learn that conjunctions can tie two parts of a sentence together. Students read the first half of a sentence and add a second phrase, choosing a conjunction from the list: and, or, but, because or...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 5th
Review fifth-grade grammar using this resource. Learners identify what a verb is, identify verbs in sentences, and go on a treasure hunt. There  are also several suggestions for games they can play to practice using verbs.
Savvas Learning


For Teachers 2nd - 5th
Provide language learners with lots of opportunities to practice identifying and useing adjectives. The games and activities in this 19-page grammar packet are designed just for them.
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills- Adjectives (Group 20) - Comparative and Superlative Forms- Test Your Grammar Skills

For Students 5th - 6th
In this grammar worksheet, students fill in 40 blanks in a table with the proper form of an adjective. They write the adjective in the first column of a table, the comparative form in the next column, and finally, superlative form in the...
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills

For Students 5th - 6th
In this grammar learning exercise, students complete a table giving the adverb form, noun form and verb form for a listed adjective. Forty adjectives are listed.
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills

For Students 4th - 5th
In this grammar worksheet, students complete sentences by inserting the correct "ing" word. Twenty words are given to answer twenty questions.
K12 Reader

Add an Appositive

For Students 4th - 8th Standards
Kids demonstrate their understanding of appositives, what they are, where they occur in a sentence, and how they are punctuated, by revising a series of sentences and adding appositives. 
K12 Reader

Punctuating Appositives

For Students 4th - 8th Standards
Where do the commas go? Kids rewrite a series of sentences using commas to set off the appositives in each sentence.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

School News

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Compile a school newsletter with your budding journalists! Use the school calendar to assign each learner a specific even to cover! Possible events include the science fair, sports games, concerts, talent shows, etc. This is a project...
Education World

Every-Day Edit: Basketball's Beginnings

For Students 3rd - 8th
For this everyday editing worksheet, learners correct grammatical mistakes in a short paragraph about basketball's beginnings. The errors range from capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
Curated OER

Immediate Grammar Revision

For Students 5th - 6th
In this grammar and language arts worksheet, students learn to immediately recognize errors in word usage and grammar. Students collaborate to play a game in small groups. Students read questions and possible answers on a card and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Grammar Football

For Teachers 5th - 10th
Students explore the ruloes for the correct usage of grammar. The game of football is played by classroom teams to acquire points each time an error is corrected by a member of the team.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Jeopardy Game

For Teachers 1st - 12th
Students practice discovering a target language by playing a game of Jeopardy.  In this foreign language lesson, students utilize their target language vocabulary to answer Jeopardy style questions they prepared the day before.  Students...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Telephone Game

For Teachers 1st - 12th
Young scholars practice their listening comprehension by playing the "telephone" game.  In this foreign language lesson, students listen to a story read by a teacher in their target language and try to remember the details by writing 5...
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills: How To Get From Bed To Work in 27 Easy Steps! – Past Simple Verbs

For Students 3rd - 6th
In this grammar worksheet, students will change the underlined verbs in each sentence from present simple to past simple tense.
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills-- Using Personal Pronouns 2

For Students 4th - 5th
In this grammar activity, students investigate the use of the personal pronouns "he" or "him" by completing 15 sentences with the correct word. This is intended for ESL students but suitable for anyone.
Curated OER

Test Your Grammar Skills - Sentence Punctuation 1

For Students 4th - 5th
For this grammar worksheet, students rewrite sentences with capital letters and correct punctuation. Ten sentences are to be corrected and rewritten.