City College of San Francisco

Making Inferences: Reading Between the Lines

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Have you ever read part of a story and had to figure out what the rest was about? Practice making inferences with several short passages and multiple choice questions.
Have Fun Teaching

Predict and Infer (22)

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Encourage close reading and critical thinking with a worksheet that asks readers to select an event from a story, predict what they believe will happen, and list clues from the story that support this prediction. After completing the...
Lesson Plan

Reading Literature about Natural Disasters: Inferring about Human Impact through an Analysis of Eight Days: A Story of Haiti

For Teachers 5th Standards
This is a disaster. Scholars look through the book Eight Days: A Story of Haiti and discuss their wonderings about the text and natural disasters. They then complete a first read to determine gist and second read to answer text-dependent...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Mini-Lesson Planning for Inferences

For Students 4th - 7th Standards
Making inferences and drawing conclusions is a key component to successful active reading. Encourage your class to use context clues and prior knowledge to infer different elements of a story, including the setting, plot, and character...
Have Fun Teaching

Making Inferences (1)

For Students 2nd - 5th
Provide readers with an opportunity to practice drawing inferences by giving them this learning exercise. Kids identify the text and author, record a sentence they believe infers rather than directly says, and then write the deeper...
Polk Bros Foundation

I Can Identify/Infer Motive

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Why do people and characters act as they do? Require your class figure out the motivation of two people or characters they read about in a given text. In the short charts, pupils note down who, what they do, and why they do it. After...
Have Fun Teaching

When Am I? (16)

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
How can you tell when a story takes place? Use context clues to infer the time of day and seasons of five short reading passages. Kids then note each passage's time period as daytime or nighttime, as well as winter or summer.
Polk Bros Foundation

I Can Infer Predictions Based on an Analysis of Motive

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
Use a character or person's motivation as the basis for a prediction of that character or person's next action. Pupils select an individual from their reading, copy a quote, write down an inference about that character's motives, and...
Have Fun Teaching

Making Inferences (11)

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
Picture this. Kids read a story starter about Josh and his dad, use details in the tale to infer what will happen next, and then draw a picture of this outcome.
Professional Doc
William & Mary

Inferential Reading Comprehension Considerations Packet

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Don't forget to read between the lines! Educators learn tips and activities to help scholars learn to infer to increase reading comprehension. Activities suggested include think alouds, backwards words, and who's who. the packet includes...
Lesson Plan

Reading Literature about Natural Disasters: Inferring about the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on People Living in New Orleans

For Teachers 5th Standards
I survived! Scholars read a firsthand account from a natural disaster survivor in the text Save Bella! They record the gist of the text in their journals and answer text-dependent questions. They then take notes to more deeply analyze...
Have Fun Teaching

Making Inferences Something Special (13)

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
Work on making inferences with a reading passage and comprehension questions. After kids read a short paragraph about Jalisa's birthday, they infer why she would be excited about receiving gifts from her brother.
Super Teacher Worksheets


For Students 3rd - 4th Standards
Inferring text can be tricky, but practice makes proficient! Provide your scholars with the practice they need with this inferences learning exercise in which learners read mini paragraphs and choose the best inference from four multiple...
Have Fun Teaching

Inferences (2)

For Students 2nd - 5th
Encourage young readers to use their prior knowledge, as well as text clues, to draw inferences from text. Provide them with this worksheet that asks them to record a passage, the background information they already have, the text clues...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Examining Character Traits through Character Mapping

For Teachers K - 6th
Some of what we know about a character is directly stated. Some of what we know is inferred by events in the story. Character maps help primary learners recognize the difference. After modeling with a story your class has read, pupils...
Unit Plan
West Corporation

Making Inferences – Use Your Mind to Read!

For Teachers 2nd - 6th Standards
How can you tell if someone is happy? The lesson works with elementary and middle school scholars to activate their schema and pay attention to details to make inferences in their daily lives, poetry, and other literature. Cleverly...
Polk Bros Foundation

I Can Infer the Meaning of a Word in Context

For Teachers 5th - 9th Standards
Work on developing strategies for determining the meaning of unknown words and phrases with a quick context clues exercise. Class members choose two words from their reading and write down what they think they mean and why. See the...
Polk Bros Foundation

I Can Infer the Main Idea When I Read

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
While reading any text, ask your pupils to keep this graphic organizer on hand. They can note down the main idea and three supporting details during or after reading. The instructions allow for individuals to use words or images to...
Lesson Plan
Ohio Department of Education

Observe Then Infer

For Teachers 6th
To develop their skill at drawing inferences from observations, sixth graders rotate through six stations, conduct a series of experiments, make observations, and draw inference from what they observe.
Reading Worksheets

Inferences Worksheet 2

For Students 4th - 8th Standards
You might infer that is instructional activity is all about making inferences. And you'd be correct! Invite your learners to read four short passages. After reading each passage, pupils make inferences and support their inferences with...
Have Fun Teaching

Who Am I? (14)

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
What's the difference between a clown and a cashier? Use context clues to infer what each character does for a living in five different reading passages. Kids mark their choices on the space provided.
Reading Worksheets

Inferences Worksheet 10

For Students 4th - 8th Standards
After reading some of your learners' work and analyzing their literary analyses, you might infer that they need some practice with making inferences! Assign this exercise to support your pupils. They read four passages and make...
Have Fun Teaching

Making Inferences (20)

For Students 2nd - 5th
As an exercise in reading comprehension, kids use a colorful worksheet to record what they know, clues they have found in a story, and the inferences they can draw from this information. 
Teacher Web

Inferring Character Traits

For Students 5th - 12th
Learning how to draw inferences from text is a key reading comprehension skill. Here's a activity that gives readers a chance to practice by offering 20 descriptive sentences and asking kids to identify the inferred character trait, and...

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