Instructional Video1:08

Thermal Energy 101: Heat Transfer | UNC-TV Science

For Students 6th - 12th
Discover what makes a cup of tea feel hot one minute and cold the next. Young physicists learn about thermal energy, why substances feel hot or cold, and the three means of thermal energy transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation...
Instructional Video1:02

Water Cycle and Watersheds: Ways of Watersheds | UNC-TV Science

For Students 3rd - 12th
Take a field trip with water as it moves on and below Earth's surface. Investigators discover the link between water and land in the water cycle and the importance of watersheds while viewing an animated video. Scholars test their...
Teachers Pay Teachers

Multiple Intelligence Survey for Kids

For Teachers 3rd - 7th
Scholars rate 24 statements 0-5 then calculate their responses to discover their preferred intelligence and which intelligences require more practice. 
Teachers Pay Teachers

What Kind of Smart Are You

For Teachers K - 5th
Gain insight into the type of learners that fill your classroom. An eight-question survey asks scholars questions about themselves. Using their color-coded answers, they conclude their degree of intelligence in multiple areas—music,...
Flipped Math

Unit 5 Review: Systems of Equations

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Activate transformers along with algebra systems. Pupils use 10 problems to review transformations of functions to solve a variety of systems of equations. Individuals identify the types of transformations from an equation along with...
Instructional Video27:46
Flipped Math

Transformations of Functions, Pt. 2

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Workout with stretches and compressions. Scholars view what happens to the graph when multiplying a function by a number. Learners combine stretches and compressions with translations before practicing the newly learned skill by pausing...
Instructional Video19:40
Flipped Math

Transformations of Functions, Pt. 1

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
It is transformational! With the beginning lesson on transformations, pupils learn about vertical and horizontal translations. Scholars see how to graph important points to show the translations and then to write the transformed graph in...
Instructional Video15:58
Flipped Math

Radical Equations

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
There might be an extra solution. Pupils discover that the process of solving a radical equation is the same general process of solving any equation. They find out that in some instances, an extraneous solution occurs. Individuals then...
Instructional Video17:42
Flipped Math

Multiply and Divide Radicals

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
This is just radical, dude. Learners view a video to learn how to multiply and divide radical expressions as well as the rules for multiplying numbers within the radicand. They also see how to rationalize the denominator. Examples...
Instructional Video18:58
Flipped Math

Add and Subtract Radicals

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Radically apply old skills to a new concept. Pupils learn how to add and subtract radicals by applying previously learned skills of simplifying radicals and combining like terms. The video shows examples with both square and cube roots....
Flipped Math

Unit 7 Review: Exponential Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Take a break from learning new information and take time to review. Scholars review the unit by completing some practice problems. They rewrite expressions using exponents, solve exponential equations, graph exponential functions,...
Smithsonian Institution

Expedition: Insects

For Students 3rd - 5th
Get up close and personal with beautiful and sometimes dangerous insects in an exciting eBook activity! Pupils practice geography skills by reading a map with the location of six different insects. Scientists read about each insect,...
Instructional Video1:10

Properties of Matter: Matter's Physical Properties | UNC-TV Science

For Students 3rd - 12th
Does gold really boil? Learn what temperature gold boils at and more using an animated activity about the properties of matter. Scientists learn about the properties of matter including examples of physical properties, the effect changes...
Instructional Video1:19

Phase Changes | Phases of Matter | UNC-TV Science

For Students 6th - 12th
Take an energetic ride through the phase changes of a water molecule in a compact activity. Young scientists learn about the phases of matter and discover the role of thermal energy in governing phase changes while watching a short...
Instructional Video1:20

The 3 Phases | Phases of Matter | UNC-TV Science

For Students 6th - 12th
Explore the states of matter without the mess or expensive equipment in a compact, informative activity. Scientists watch as the narrator explains the three states of matter using a glass of ice and soda in an animated video that...
Instructional Video1:12

Watershed Management: Ways of Watersheds | UNC-TV Science

For Students 3rd - 12th
Inspire young conservationists to protect the environment with a short activity on water quality and watersheds. Participants discover the importance of watershed management, learn about water quality problems, and discover possible...
Instructional Video1:09

The Water Cycle: Ways of Watersheds | UNC-TV

For Students 3rd - 12th
Explore water on Earth without getting wet using a short animated activity. Scientists learn how water interacts with the land, the importance of watersheds, and relevant vocabulary as they watch an informative and engaging video....
Flipped Math

Unit 2 Review: Polynomial Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Wrap it all up in a box. Pupils review the key concepts from an Algebra 2 polynomial functions unit by working 19 problems. Problems range from using the Remainder Theorem to find remainders and finding factors; sketching graphs by...
Instructional Video25:51
Flipped Math

Graphing Polynomial Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Take a look in the window. Pupils watch a presentation to discover how to graph a polynomial using a graphing calculator and using the window to find the extrema. Scholars use their knowledge from previous lessons to gain a rough idea of...
Instructional Video24:44
Flipped Math

Sketching Polynomial Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Provide a sketch of the suspect. Scholars see how to use the key aspects they know about polynomials to create a sketch of the graph. Learners factor to calculate the zeros by factoring, find the end behavior, and determine the...
Instructional Video16:41
Flipped Math

End Behavior

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Determine which way to go. Pupils learn how the leading term determines the end behavior of a polynomial function. They see how to use the end behavior of a polynomial to identify the graph of the function before practicing their skills...
Instructional Video17:49
Flipped Math

Remainder Theorem

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Don't divide! Pupils view three examples relating the remainder of a polynomial division and the polynomial function evaluated at a related value. Learners notice how to find a missing coefficient in a polynomial given the remainder of a...
Flipped Math

Unit 1 Review: Polynomials

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Hit the highlights. Pupils complete 20 problems to review key aspects of skills learned about polynomials. They multiply, divide, and factor polynomials along with determining the zeros of a polynomial. At the end, individuals complete...
Instructional Video15:27
Flipped Math

Zeroes of Polynomials

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Zero in to find the correct answer. Scholars find out how to solve a polynomial equation by factoring to find the zeroes. Learners use their knowledge of factoring polynomials and solving linear equations to find all of the solutions and...