Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Dino Babies

For Teachers K - 2nd
Students distinguish between dinosaurs and fossils. They escribe what paleontologists do and how they reconstruct the lives of dinosaurs from the fossil record. In addition, they state that dinosaurs hatched from eggs.
Lesson Plan
US Environmental Protection Agency

Tree Rings: Living Records of Climate

For Teachers 5th - 10th
Open with a discussion on weather and climate and then explain how tree rings can provide scientists with information about the earth's past climate. Pupils analyze graphics of simulated tree rings from various US locations for the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Global Warming: Life in a Greenhouse

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
Students investigate the evidence and consequences of global warming. They read and discuss an article, conduct a debate, evaluate their community's climate statistics, log their gas consumption for a week, and develop a panel discussion...
American Museum of Natural History

Mesozoic Museum

For Students 6th - 12th
Mini museum curators create an exhibit that showcases the Mesozoic era. Pupils use their knowledge of dinosaurs to make informative posters, drawings, and dioramas. Following three steps to complete the hands-on activity, scholars read...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Investigation 1 - Identify & Compare Fossils

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders examine different items to see if they can recognize fossils. This be an introduction to the different fossils they be studying later and help them make inferences about past environments of Utah.
It's About Time


For Teachers 7th - 12th
How do scientists know what the Earth was like in the past? This second installment of a six-part series focuses on paleoclimates and provides an overview of how geologists determine information about past climates using fossil pollen,...
It's About Time

Energy from Coal

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
If plastic is derived from fossil fuels and fossil fuels come from dead dinosaurs, does that mean that plastic dinosaurs are made from real dinosaurs? This lesson goes into depth about coal and other fossil fuels. First the instructor...
American Museum of Natural History

Anatomy Adventure

For Students 6th - 12th
Sometimes science is puzzling. Using an online animation, individuals manipulate skeletal bones of an ancient species to recreate its skeleton. Learners complete the skeletal puzzle and learn about the process of paleontology in person...
Curated OER

Plate Tectonics

For Teachers 4th - 10th Standards
Help young scientists piece together the theory of plate tectonics with this comprehensive collection of materials. Whether your are looking for worksheets, hands-on activities, or assessments, this resource has everything a science...
Curated OER

Inferencing II: Post Test

For Students 6th - 10th
In this inferences worksheet, students answer multiple choice questions about inferences after they read a passage. Students read 4 passages and answer 10 questions total.
Curated OER

The History of Life

For Students 7th - 12th
In this Earth's history instructional activity, students will complete 5 true or false questions based on the early history of the Earth. Students will match 7 fossil vocabulary words to their definitions. Students will complete 4 short...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What We Know About Dinosaurs?

For Teachers 3rd
Third graders determine what can and cannot be learned from fossils. In this fossils lesson, 3rd graders discuss what can and cannot be learned from fossils, then students create and observe their fossils.
Curated OER

Collecting Fossils

For Students 4th - 8th
In this fossils worksheet, students will read about the hobby of fossil collecting and the tools needed for collecting fossils. Students will complete 3 short answer questions based on their reading.
Lesson Plan
Center Science Education

CO2: How Much Do You Spew?

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Split your earth science or environmental studies class into groups and give each a scenario card. Scenario cards describe the lifestyles of 10 different fictitious families, focusing on their energy usage. Carbon dioxide emissions are...
Curated OER

Speciation and Genetic Drift Worksheet

For Students 9th - 12th
Fifteen terms pertaining to speciation, extinction, and gene flow are to be matched to their definitions. This simple, easy-to-read worksheet can be used as a pop quiz for your biology learners when studying natural selection principles...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring Alternative Energy Sources

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Students research the amount and kinds of energy that are produced and consumed in the United States, including the limitations of this kind of consumption. They research and create a display to teach classmates about a specific...
It's About Time

Electricity and Your Community

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Young scientists read and interpret a data table about energy generation around the world. Next, they use the Internet to investigate energy generation in their own state, and, finally, pupils read a passage and answer questions about it. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Be a Paleontologist

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Students search for fossils in a simulated archeology site and explore how paleontologists mark out a dig site.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

A Journey with a Scientist

For Teachers 9th - 11th
Students work in groups as they read chapters of Charles Darwin's, Voyage of the Beagle. They take notes on the chapter and in their group make a timeline of the chapter. They tape the timelines together in order to depict the entire...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Crusty Fossils

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Students identify some of the different species of crabs and tell how they adapt themselves to their environment. They discuss the evolution and stages of development of the crabs. They identify the Phylum Arthropoda and the Class...
Curated OER

Archaeology Volunteers

For Students 4th - 5th
In this archaeology worksheet, students read about 4 tasks involving archaeologists. Students also answer 3 questions about the reading.
American Museum of Natural History

Make Your Own Dino Stationary

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Scholars follow five steps to create dinosaur-themed stationery using basic computer skills.
Curated OER

Prehistory: Our Ancestors Emerge

For Students 8th - 12th
In this prehsitory learning exercise, students read a 3-page article about antropological finds and then respond to 2 short answer questions based on the article.
Curated OER

Seedless Plants- Ferns- Enrichment Worksheet

For Students 10th - 11th
In this seedless plants enrichment worksheet, student read about the history of ferns, their habitat, size, and structure. They draw a fern and label its parts including the fronds, pinnae, sorus, and rhizome.