Instructional Video

Why Are There as Many Males as Females?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

From anteaters to zebras, why are both sexes equally represented in number? Explore a quirk in evolution with a video from a thought-provoking science playlist. The narrator shows examples of species that might only need a few males, then discusses how natural selection always causes the numbers of males and females to even out over generations.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Pose the question of equal numbers between sexes to the class to get them thinking about it before the video begins
  • Have individuals research to find examples of animal species where numbers are not equal
Classroom Considerations
  • Show the video after pupils have knowledge about evolution and natural selection
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Humor and great scripting make the video very enjoyable
  • The subject matter is explained in student-friendly terms
  • None
Common Core