Lesson Plan

Which Real Number Functions Define a Linear Transformation?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Not all linear functions are linear transformations, only those that go through the origin. The third lesson in the 32-part unit proves that linear transformations are of the form f(x) = ax. The lesson plan takes another look at examples from the first two lessons of the unit. A discussion walks pupils through the discovery of the form for all linear transformations and the properties of these types of functions.

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CCSS: Designed
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Instructional Ideas
  • Prior to beginning the lesson, verify pupil-generated linear transformations with the class
Classroom Considerations
  • Class members should know the rules for exponents and logarithms
  • It may be necessary to remind the class how function notation works and that the function does not distribute over the inputs
  • The lesson uses the basic properties of linear transformations to build the other properties
  • The answer key shows the work individuals should show
  • None
Common Core