Lesson Plan

Time Capsule in a Milk Can

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Time Capsule in a Milk Can lesson plan also includes:

Imagine dumping out a milk can and finding letters from one of the darkest moments in history! Scholars use Holocaust Reading Passages and research to discover how people recorded and hid history during the events of World War II. They then use what they learned to create their own written histories and time capsules. 

79 Views 76 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Split the class into teams and assign each  to create their own time capsules
  • Locate an old milk can and place it in the front of the room during the entirety of the lesson as a visual of the time capsule created during WWII and the Holocaust
Classroom Considerations
  • Teachers must store time capsule materials in a central location during lesson
  • Group sizes should be no larger than three
  • Resource includes printable worksheets and materials for classroom use
  • Lesson is adaptable for middle and high school students 
  • Includes Holocaust Teacher Guide
  • None