Instructional Video

Stratford 2: The Lost Years

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Stratford 2: The Lost Years instructional video also includes:

Before Shakespeare moved to London, he found inspiration in Stratford. Part of a thorough series on Shakespeare, an intriguing video describes the Bard's early years in Stratford when he was newly married and had three young children. Four tasks check for understanding and cover key words.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have learners write short biographies of each member of Shakespeare's family
  • Research the area of Stratford and make connections between the setting there and the settings in some of Shakespeare's plays
Classroom Considerations
  • Downloadable transcript contains text of audio in video
  • Includes a variety of activity types, including multiple choice, drag and drop, and discussion questions
  • Offers a support pack that contains printable versions of all of the tasks

Common Core