Instructional Video

Rosa Parks: Mini Biography

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Discover the fascinating story of Rosa Parks, including the realities of segregation she was forced to face throughout her life, her monumental role in sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and her continued fight for social justice in the following years.

1 Collection 1266 Views 407 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Present during Black History Month or in combination with other resources on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Discuss or journal about how simple actions can have a much larger effect on others
Classroom Considerations
  • Queue video to skip initial third-party advertisement
  • Includes real footage from the historical period, as well as photographs and video clips of segregation in society in the 1950s
  • Excellent look into Parks' major endeavors and accomplishments
  • None