Instructional Video

Properties of Matter

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The properties of matter including buoyancy, viscosity, density, pressure, and more are explained in a video that also describes the various principles and laws that are associated with each property. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • The narrator mentions glass is a liquid and what this belief is based on; however, years after the video was produced, this belief was proven wrong, so research the debate and how it was finally settled
Classroom Considerations
  • Be aware that YouTube comments include language that is not appropriate for the classroom
  • Requires prior knowledge of the states of matter and other more basic properties of matter
  • Video is the second in a 14-part series
  • Includes high-quality graphics to illustrate the topics
  • Provides closed captioning and a view of the speaker for the hearing impaired 
  • None
Common Core