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You can reach achievement with an ordinary, moral life without the proper education of past philosophy! So says Michel de Montaigne in a short analysis video that succinctly explains his views on academia, the virtue of a good life, and the failure of the mind to control the body.
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Instructional Ideas
- Use as a comparison to Montaigne's The Essays
- Connect to a larger lesson on philosophers of the Renaissance
Classroom Considerations
- Subtitles are set to Bulgarian, but you can change them to another language or watch without them
- Best suited for college students or adult viewers
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Learners can probably relate to Montaigne's desire to move past pedantry in academics and textbooks
- Short length makes the video an effective introduction to Montaigne's philosophy
- Video contains several images and discussion points that are likely inappropriate for the classroom (the 0:51 mark contains a vulgar picture; at 2:05, the video addresses Montaigne's discussion of impotence alongside several phallic images)
Common Core
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