Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Observing Human Rights Day lesson plan also includes:
How much intervention is appropriate for America to take in cases of human rights violations? Class members ponder a question that has lingered since the birth of America with a series of primary sources that reflect the degree to which America intervened in the end of South African apartheid.
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Instructional Ideas
- Connect to a unit on the Universal Declaration for Human Rights
- Have class members bring in articles about current human rights violations
- Bring a discussion on Human Rights Day into a lesson on December events
- Plan a community commemoration of Human Rights Day
Classroom Considerations
- Primary sources may be difficult for learners to see
- Learners should have some prior knowledge on apartheid and South Africa
- Essential question is clear and thought provoking
- Brings in several events from the 20th century for analysis
- None
Common Core
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