Instructional Video


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

In 1924, Bose and Einstein predicted a fifth state of matter. The prediction proved to be true in 1995 and is referred to as the Bose-Einstein condensation. This video discusses the concept of matter, all five states of matter, and what happens when switching from one to another.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Research Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein
  • Discuss the discovery of plasma, using a song by They Might Be Giants, "Why Does the Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma)"


Classroom Considerations
  • Assumes prior knowledge of solids, liquids, and gases
  •  Video is the third in a series of 14
  • Includes closed captioning for ease of note taking
  • Provides detailed diagrams that are not overwhelming
  • None
Common Core