
Jason and Medea Part Three: Princess Medea

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Jason and Medea Part Three: Princess Medea audio also includes:

Meet Medea, daughter of Aeetes in the third audio reading of this Greek myth. The listener meets the Argonauts from Medea’s perspective, and discovers her infatuation with Jason who has come to retrieve the Golden Fleece from her father. They then listen to see how Aeetes tricks Jason into a nearly impossible task in exchange for the fleece, and how Medea aims to help him succeed.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Transform the story into a reader’s theater; have class members take on the various roles of the characters to improve public speaking and oral fluency, while inviting enthusiasm about reading 
  • Have listeners follow along with the reading passage as they listen to the story
Classroom Considerations
  • Before reading, provide background information on the greek gods, goddesses, and other characters mentioned in the story 
  • Audio is 11 minutes and 34 seconds
  • Assumes listeners have heard the first two parts of the story
  • Speaker reads with expression, promoting listening comprehension, understanding of dialogue, and the concept of feeling
  • Includes a text version of the story and a downloadable file
  • Does not come with any strategies or forms to assess listening comprehension