Lesson Plan

Investigating the Line

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Note that this lesson is best paired with the preceding lesson in the unit. In that lesson, elementary physical scientists observed that the color coating of M&Ms® candies do not mix when dissolved off of the chocolate surface. Now they compare two different-colored drops of corn syrup to see if they mix or behave in the same way as the candy coats. This pair of activities is not essential to the unit on dissolving, but they do serve as an engaging enrichment. 

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  • Demonstrates how results from one experiment can be modeled with other materials and added to the evidence
  • Quality teacher's notes and student handouts make a nice presentation to the class
  • The mini unit is part of a larger physical science unit that focuses on matter
  • The scientific principles causing the line between the colors is not explained in this teacher's guide or in the lab sheets, but if you open the Investigation 1 teacher resource, you can find more information