Instructional Video

How Misused Modifiers Can Hurt Your Writing

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This How Misused Modifiers Can Hurt Your Writing instructional video also includes:

Misplaced modifiers are a common grammar error, but can your learners identify when a modifier can interfere with a reader's understanding? Watch a short and entertaining video from Ted Ed that illustrates misplaced modifiers, as well as dangling modifiers and squinting modifiers, and demonstrates how to clarify these sentences. 

122 Views 109 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • For a flipped classroom approach, have kids watch the video at home and come to class prepared to discuss modifiers
  • Show the video before your grammar lesson, or at the beginning of class to begin a warm-up activity
  • Have kids write examples of sentences with misplaced modifiers, and prompt their peers to rewrite the sentences for clarity
Classroom Considerations
  • Consider pausing the video at each point for discussion and/or examples
  • One of the examples corrects a sentence into passive voice; depending on your preference, you may want to offer an alternative option for correction 
  • Fun and engaging for all learners, even your most reluctant grammarians
  • Encourages kids to think about the way they write, as well as the difference between clear and obscure writing
  • Provides an assessment and reading passage for extra practice
  • None