Instructional Video

How Do Touchscreens Work?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Why can't we text when wearing wool gloves? The narrator explains the science behind touchscreens as part of a larger physics series. From sensors to translation, the complex process of sending a simple emoji comes to life.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Learn more about the evolution and sensitivity of touchscreens
  • Test various materials to see which activate a touchscreen and which don't, i.e. cotton, q-tip, wool, eraser, etc.
Classroom Considerations
  • Relies on prior knowledge of smartphone technology and the poop emoji
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Connects physics, engineering, math, technology, and computer technology
  • Offers closed captioning in four languages for the hearing impaired
  • Applies to everyday life
  • None