Lesson Plan

Final Performance Task: Becoming Visible Again

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

It's task time! Scholars complete the final lesson plan of the unit by completing a performance task. Readers begin in groups, working on a task card. Once complete, they move to an independent task, writing responses to a prompt about Miné Okubo's life in Unbroken.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Strategically group struggling writers with strong writers during the task cards to expose those struggling to more ideas
Classroom Considerations
  • The final lesson of eight in the Grade 8 ELA Module 3A, Unit 3 playlist
  • Created as a performance task
  • Pupils need lined paper
  • Includes an outline of the time each activity requires 
  • Offers tips for meeting pupils' needs
  • None
Common Core