Instructional Video


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Fritz Haber was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize, but 30 years later was considered a war criminal. This video provides the story of Fritz Haber as well as Henry Louis Le Chatalier, who is much more famous though he considered himself a failure. It also covers what equilibrium is, what chemical equilibrium is, and reminds viewers that as Hank Green said, "equilibrium isn't about staying the same, but rather keeping your balance as your circumstances change." 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Create an outline for note taking based on the topics and time stamps included
Classroom Considerations
  • Be aware that YouTube comments are open to the public and are not moderated
  • Requires prior knowledge of chemical equations
  • The 27th in a series of 46 videos
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Great for either a flipped or traditional classroom
  • Highlights vocabulary
  • Provides a demonstration of chemical equilibrium
  • None