
Encyclopedia Mythica: Greek People (Mythological)

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Featuring the heroes, heroines, and mythical creatures from Greek legend, this site offers information on hundreds of characters, as well as etymology, pronunciation, pictures, and more.

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cepheus, laocoon, abderus, acamus, acastus, acherusia, achilles, acrisius, actaeon, actor, adrastus, aea, aeacus, aegealeus, aegeus, aegiale, aegisthus, aerope, aeson, aethalides, aethra, agamedes, agelaus, agis, agreus, aias, ainia, ajax, ajax the lesser, alcaeus, alcathous, alcimede, alcinous, alcmaeon, alcmene, aletes, alphesiboea, altes, althaea, amphiaraus, amphilochus, amphinomus, amphitryon, amyntor, androgeus, andromache, antenor, antianara, antibrote, anticlea, antilochus, antinous, antiope, antiphates, antiphus, antor, aphareus, apsyrtus, arcesius, ardeas, arete, aretus, argea, argo, argonauts, ariadne, arion, arisbe, aristomaches, arne, arsinoe, ascalaphus, assaracus, asterion, astrabacus, astyanax, astydamea, astyoche, atalanta, athamas, atreidae, atreus, auge, augean stables, autolycus, automedon, autonue, azan, baius, balios, battus, bebryces, bellerophon, bianor, branchus, busiris, butes, buzyges, byblis, cadmus, caeneus, caenis, calais, calchas, calydonian boar, capaneus, capys, cassandra, castor, cebriones, celeus, cercyon, ceryneian hind, chryseis, chryses, chrysippus, chrysothemis, cinyras, circe, cleite, clitus, clymenus, clysonymus, clytemnestra, cocalus, colchis, comaetho, copreus, coroebus, coronus, cranaus, creon, cresphontes, cretan bull, cretheus, creusa, cycnus, cyparissus, daedalion, daedalus, damon, danae, deianira, deidamea, deioneus, deiphobus, deipyle, demophon, dido, diomedes, diores, dioscuri, dirce, dolon, dryas, dymas, echetlus, echetus, echion, electra, electryon, elpenor, emathion, enarete, endeis, epeus, epigonoi, epopeus, erechtheus, erichthonius, erigone, eriphyle, erymanthian boar, erysichthon, eryx, eteocles, eteoneus, euadne, eumaeus, eumolpus, euneus, eupeithes, euphemus, euryalus, eurybatus, euryclea, eurypylus, eurysaces, eurystheus, eurytion, eurytus, galanthis, gargarenses, gelanor, girdle of hyppolyte, glaucus, golden fleece, greek heroic legends, greek legends, haemon, halaesus, halitherses, harpalyce, hector, hecuba, helen, helle, heracles, heraclids, hermione, hero and leander, hesione, hicetaon, hippocoon, hippodamea, hippolochus, hippolyta, hippolytus, hippomedon, hippomenes, hippothoon, house of troy, hydra, hylas, hyllus, hypermnestra, hypsipyle, hyrieus, iamus, iapyx, icarius, icarus, idas, idmon, idomeneus, ilione, iolaus, iole, iphicles, iphigenia, irus, ismene, itylus, itys, ixion, jason, jocasta, labdacids, labdacus, lacyon, laertes, laestrygones, laius, lampus, lamus, laodamas, laodamia, laothoe, lapiths, learchus, lerna, lichas, licymnius, lityerses, lotophagi, lycaon, lycomedes, lycon, lycurgus, lycus, lynceus, lyncus, macar, manto, mares of diomedes, marpesia, medea, medon, megaphenthes, megareus, meges, melampus, melanippe, melanippus, melanthius, meleager, meleagrids, memnon, menelaus, menoeceus, mentes, mentor, meriones, merops, mestra, metanira, minyades, mnestheus, molossus, moly, mopsus, mygdon, myrmidons, myrtilus, nausicaa, nausinous, nemea, nemean lion, neoptolemus, nessus, nireus, nisus, nycteus, ocalea, oeagrus, oebalus, oeneus, oenomaus, oenotropae, oicles, oileus, omphale, orestes, orion, ormenus, orpheus, orthrus, otrera, oxylus, palamedes, pandareus, pandarus, pandion, panopeus, parthaon, parthenopaeus, patroclus, peleus, pelias, pelopea, pelops, penelope, penthesilea, pentheus, penthilus, perdix, periboea, periclymenus, perieris, perigune, perilaus, periphas, periphetes, pero, perses, perseus, phaedra, phalanthus, phemius, phereclus, pheres, philaeus, philoctetes, philomela, phineus, phlegyas, phocus, pholus, phorbas, phrixus, phylacus, phyleus, phytalus, pirithous, pisidice, pisistratus, pittheus, planctae, plisthenes, podalarius, podarces, poeas, polites, pollux, poludamas, polybus, polydora, polydorus, polymestor, polynices, polypoetes, polyxena, priam, proclea, procne, procrustes, proetus, promachus, protesilaus, ptoliporthus, pylades, pythias, rhesus, salmoneus, schoeneus, sciron, scylla, sidero, sinis, sinon, spartes, stentor, sthenelus, stymphalian birds, symplegades, talaus, talos, tantalus, telamon, telegonus, telemachus, telephassa, telephus, tenes, termerus, teucer, thalestris, the twelve labors, themisto, thersander, thersites, theseus, thyestes, tiphys, tiresias, triptolemus, trojan horse, trophonius, tyndareus, tyro, zeetes, zetes, apples of the hesperides, capture of cerberus, cattle of cerberus, cattle of geryon, family of helen of troy
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  • Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)