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Lesson Planet
Did Mookie do the right thing? Spike Lee's film Do The Right Thing, which discusses race violence and community, leaves viewers to decide. The cogent analysis of a film criticism video examines not only Lee's filmmaking techniques but also the overt and subtle racism in the Bedford Stuyvesant community.
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Instructional Ideas
- Connect the lesson between language arts and social studies when discussing racial politics in the 20th century
Classroom Considerations
- Assumes a protocol is in place for a mature, respectful discussion of racism, prejudice, and discrimination
- The sixth episode in a playlist, designed to be viewed in order, builds on concepts introduced in previous episodes
- The film is R rated; check your school's policy before showing the film in class or assigning for out-of-class viewing
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Clips from the film are used to illustrate key points
- The narrator cites the comments of film critics who disagreed on the stance of the film which leaves viewers to form their own conclusions
- None
Common Core
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