Instructional Video

Biodiversity and Extinction Vulnerability - De-Natured

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Biodiversity and Extinction Vulnerability - De-Natured instructional video also includes:

Science benefits everyone, so why is the language in journal articles so difficult to understand? The third video in the four-part series on Biodiversity breaks down a journal article so everyone understands the content. The article compares extinction vulnerability in biodiverse ecosystems with ecosystems with little biodiversity.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Read the article discussed in the original text
  • Discuss the skepticism in further detail and why skepticism is important in science
Classroom Considerations
  • Relies on prior knowledge from the previous two videos in the series
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Shares recent scientific research
  • Offers closed captioning to make it easier to take notes
  • None