Instructional Video

An Introduction to Robert Dahl's Who Governs

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

In the world of politics, access to resources often determines who holds the power. A video summary of Who Governs? by Robert Dahl shares Dahl's theories about political power and influence based on his study of a local community. The video uses illustrations and simple examples to help make Dahl's work more accessible to learners.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Take a closer look at the local government where you live and ask scholars to consider who governs
  • Review the political officials and government structure in your local community
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires a basic understanding of how government and politics work on different levels
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Clear, well-paced narration makes it easier for viewers to follow along
  • Provides an analogy to clearly explain Dahl's main points
  • None